Ⅰ.Brief review of historical development
1.Black boay radfatlon
2.Photoelectric effect
3.Specific heat of solids
4.Compton effect
Ⅱ.Uncertainty and complementarily
1.Einstein relations and Bohr complimentarity principle
2.Wave-particle duality and quantum behavior
3.De Broglie relation and Heisenberg uncertainty relation
4.Further remarks on the uncertainty principle
Ⅲ.The Schr6dinger wave equation
1.Postulates of quantum mechanics
2.The SchrOdinger equation for free particles
3.Probability distributions
4.Operators and expectation values
5.Motion of a free wave packet
6.Schr6dinger equation for a particle in external fields
7 Schr6dinger equation for a system+of interacting particles
Ⅳ.Heisenberg equation of motion and commutators
1.Heisenberg equation of motion
2.Commutation relations
Ⅴ.Symmetry properties and conservation laws
1.Uniformity of time
2.Uniformity of space
3.Isotropy of space
4.Discrete transformation
5.Reduction of the two-body problem
Ⅵ.Eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
1.Stationary states
2.Spectrum of the Hamiltonlan
3.Diracs &function
4.Orthonormality and completeness
5.Density of states
6.Linear vector space
7.Simultaneous eigenfunctions and compatible observables
8.Probability amplitudes
Ⅶ.The classical limit and WKB method
1.Ehrenfest theorem
2.Classical limit of Schr6dinger equation
3.The semi-classical approximation for stationary states
4.The quantization rule of Bohr and Sommerfield
Ⅶ.lllustrative examples in one dimension
1.Square well potential
2.Seatterirg from the square well-resonances and virtual states
3.Periodic potential-Kr0nig:Penne: model
4.The 3 functiofl potentidl
5.Linear harmonic oscillator
Ⅸ.Illustrativeexamples in three dimensional space
1.The wave equation in spherical coordinates
2.Symmetry properties of the central field problem
3.Angular momentum eigenstates
4.Free particle motion with a definite
5.Isotropic square well
6.Hydrogen atom ;
7.Degeneracy of hydrogen energy levels
8.Electron in magnetic fields--a cylitidfial field problem
9.Examples in the confined and low-dimensionM space
Ⅹ.Angular momentum
1.Matrix representation of angular momentum operators
2.Spin eigenvectors
* 3.Coupling of two angular momentum vectors
4; Rotation matrices
5.Arbitrary rotation of a rigid body
Ⅺ.Unitary transformation
1.States and operators
2.Unitary operators and unitary transformations
3.Observables in different representations
* 4.,Schr6dinger, Heisenberg and interaction pictures
* 5.The interaction picture
6.Pure and,mixed states
Ⅻ.Approximation methods
1Variation method
2.Pert urbationtheory for nonrdegenerate stationary states
3.Yalidity of the perturbation method
4.Perturbation theory for degenerate states
5.Eine structureof hydrogen atomic spectra
6.Atoms in external magnetic fields
ⅩⅢ.Many-electron systems
1.Indistinguishability and Pauli principle
2.Symmetrization and anti-symmetrization of wave functions
3.Ground state of helium atom
4.Excited states of helium atom
5.Slater determinant for many-electron atoms
6.Hartree-Fock method
7.Statistical model of Fermi-Thomas
ⅩⅣ.Theory of time-dependent perturbation
1.Time-dependent perturbation
2.Transition probabilit_y pet: unit time
3.Adiabatic and sudden approximation
4.Induced emission, absorption and spontaneous emission
5.Multipole radiation and selection rules
6.Lifetime and width of excited levels
7.Photoelectric effect
8.Magnetic resonance
9.Oscillating strength Problems
ⅩⅤ.Theory of scattering
1.General theory of elastic scattering
2.Green function for a free particle
3.The Born approximation
4.Validity criteria for the Born approxirnition
5.Method of partial waves
6.Eikonal approximation
7.Elastic scattering from the Coulomb potential
8.Generaltheory of inelastic gcattering--The Eipman-Schwingwer formulation
9.Scattering fromcomplex targefs