暫缺《中國(guó)民治主義(Modern Democracy in China)》作者簡(jiǎn)介
CHAPTEE I. Introduction : The Crisis and the Problem I~/IODEKN CKINESE HISTORY ,~ND POLITICS The Rise of Democracy The Triumph of the Republic The Return of Monarchy The Struggle over the Constitution The Civil War The Provisional Constitution--and Its Defects The Lessons of the Decade The Abolition of the Tuchun System The Framing and Adoption of the Permanent Constitution The Perils and the Salvation BOOK II. CONSTITUTIONNAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT Cabinet vs. Presidential System: Cabinet System Cabinet vs. 'Presidential System : Presidential System Federal vs. Unitary System: Federal System Federal vs. Unitary System : Unitary System Legislature : Its Structure and Composition Legislature : Its Functions add Powers Executive: His Election Executive: His Powers Judiciary: Its Independence and Functions Provincial Autonomous Government Local Self-Government CONTENTS APPENDICES