act ac add ago agriculture ali arab among ample anci answer Argentina ark atmo audi August ball bang bank bar base bat be beauty,BELLE because Bellona,Mars bid birth bi bit Blake blood blow bomb bon break bright broadcast brown Ca call canc candle cap cap card care carrot car car cascade catch cave ced Celest cell center certain cert champagne chug change chemistry chess Christmas cit city class clear cleave club close cock cold com common computer cook corrn count country courage court cover create crep CROSS crown cry cube cyber cyc damage day December decide deep Democracy dict dig discuss dit doctor drag drama drive drop dry during dust easy educate empty England Esse exit experiment Faber face factory fall family fast father favour feast fee fend finish fish five fix Flame fleet flOW flower fly food foot,pioneer forest found free,Frank frequent fresh fridge fruit fug full function fus gage garden gas Gea gene get ghost give glass glob gold Grace grade Grammy grandfather Greg,gather guard Hamburg hang happy harmony harvest have heavy hedr heir helicopter her hero history hive hold home hope hour house Hunter idea image in,out, ex ipad island jet join joke judge Juno Moneta know labour lace lake language late lave lay lecture letter lieu lift line li liqu list loaf, lord lobby long lose lot love low lug lute Lux machine make man map mark Marry mask Matin may meal meet mentor Mercury merge metal meter middle migr milk million mind mine mini Missa mist mix Mnemosyne moon mother mountain mouse mouth move multi Muse name nation neighbour Nemesis nervous net Netherlands new no noise noon normal nounc nude Nurilite nut o odd old one order oss out owll Oxford page palace pale parent park pass pen people peter pet Philip photo physics pi piano pick picture pile place planet plaud play please plenty point police poor pot pound power po prebend press price Prince probe pure push put quarter question quit race radio rapid reach read real rect red Rhein ride ring rise river road rocket Rome round ru rude sacrify salmon salt same sat save,Sylvia scale school science second seed seek see sen sense serf serve sex shade share sharpe sheep shine shoot short sing sit skin Slav slid slit slue smile snake society Sol Sony sorb sorry soup spade speak spell spir spire spond spring spy stand star stark start step stick stomach store strap street stroke sugar superman sweep table tail talk tang tect telephone temperature Terra test text the three through throw tie time tin title toilet ton top tractor wain Wain trait trip triv trite tus rut two type ump Undine urban use value vapor vegetable veil venge vers very vestig visit volt wade wall want war warm waste way wear week well went whole wife wild will win wind wine with wonder word work world worth wowo wrong zeal Zeus 單詞巧記 單詞索引