The last thirty years have seen an enormous advance in our understanding of the microscopic world. We now have a convincing picture of the fundamental struc-ture of observable matter in terms of certain point-like elementary particles. We also have a comprehensive theory describing the behaviour of and the forces between these elementary particles, which we believe provides a complete and correct description of nearly all non-gravitational physics.Matter, so it seems, consists of just two types of elementary particles: quarks and leptons. These are the fundamental building blocks of the material world, out of which we ourselves are made. The theory describ-ing the microscopic behaviour of these particles has,over the past decade or so, become known as the 'Standard Model', providing as it does an accurate account of the force of electromagnetism, the weak nuclear force (responsible for radioactive decay), and the strong nuclear force (which holds atomic nuclei together). The Standard Model has been remarkably successful; upuntil a year or two ago all experimental tests have verified the detailed predictions of the theory.The Standard Model is based on the principle of 'gauge symmetry', which asserts that the properties and interactions of elementary particles are governed by certain fundamental symmetries related to familiar conservation laws.
Preface Part 1 Introduction 1 Matter and light 2 Special relativity 3 Quantum mechanics 4 Relativistic quantum theory Part 2 Basic particle physics 5 The fundamental forces 6 Symmetry in the microworld 7 Mesons 8 Strange particles Part 3 Strong interaction physics 9 Resonance particles 10 SU(3) and quarks Part 4 Weak interaction physics I 11 The violation of parity 12 Fermi's theory of the weak interactions 13 Two neutrinos 14 Neutral kaons and CP violation Part 5 Weak interaction physics II 15 The current-current theory of the weak interactions 16 An example leptonic process:electron-neutrino scattering 17 The weak interactions of hadrons 18 The W boson Part 6 Gauge theory of the weak interactions 19 Motivation for the theory 20 Gauge theory 21 Spontaneous symmetry breaking 22 The Glashow-Weinberg-Salam model 23 Consequences of the model 24 The hunt for the W, Z0 bosons Part 7 Deep inelastic scattering 25 Deep inelastic processes 26 Electron-nucleon scattering 27 The deep inelastic microscope 28 Neutrino-nucleon scattering 29 The quark model of the structure functions Part 8 Quantum chromodynamics-the theory of quarks 30 Coloured quarks 31 Colour gauge theory 32 Asymptotic freedom 33 Quark confinement Part 9 Electron-positron collisions 34 Probing the vacuum 35 Quarks and charm 36 Another generation Part 10 The Standard Model and beyond 37 The Standard Model of particle physics 38 Precision tests of the Standard Model 39 Flavour mixing and CP violation revisited 40 The hunt for the Higgs boson 41 Neutrino masses and mixing 42 Is there physics beyond the Standard Model? 43 Grand unification 44 Supersymmetry 45 Particle physics and cosmology 46 Superstrings Appendices 1 Units and constants 2 Glossary 3 List of symbols 4 Bibliography 5 Elementary particle data Name index Subject index