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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語大學英語建筑學與城市規(guī)劃專業(yè)



定 價:¥36.00

作 者: 陳曉鍵 主編
出版社: 中國建筑工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 大學專業(yè)英語教材


ISBN: 9787112129089 出版時間: 2011-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 293 字數:  






Chapter 1  Introduction
    Section A: Architecture
    Section B. Planning
    Section C: Landscape as a System
Chapter 2  Evolution of Planning
    Section A: The Evolution of Modern UrbanPlanning
    Section B: Rationality and ComprehensivePlanning
    Section C: Zoning Regulation
Chapter 3  The Theories of Urban Development
    Section A: The Continuing Evolution ofPlanning Theory
    Section B: Planning as'CommunicativeAction'
    Section C: Debates Define Theory: FiveQuestions of Planning Theory
Chapter 4  Urban Planning and the Contradictions ofSustainable Development
    Section A: The Planner' s Triangle: ThreePriorities, Three Conflicts
    Section B: Green Ideas and Radical PlanningInitiatives
    Section C: Five Scenarios forSustainability
Chapter 5  Planning in the PostIndustrial Economy
    Section A: Urban Image in thePostindustrial Economy
    Section B: Cultural Economy: anIntroduction
    Section C: Toward CityCentered andDemocratic Planning
Chapter 6  Heritage Planning
    Section A: Preservation, Conservation andHeritage
    Section B: Urban Conservation
    Section C: Sustainability and SustainableCommunities
Chapter 7  Community Development and CommunityPlanning
    Section A: Community WellbeingProfiles
    Section B: An Ecocentric Approach toSustainable Community Developmen
    Section C: In Search of a Sense of Meaning:Linking Theory with Practice
Chapter 8  Site Plan
    Section A: Production of the Site Plan(Part one)
    Section B.. Production of the Site Plan(Part two)
    Section C. Production of the Site Plan(Part three)
Chapter 9  Urban Design
    Section A: Dimensions of Performance
    Section B. The City Image and itsElements
    Section C: Three Types of OutdoorActivities
Chapter 10  Visible Landscape
    Section A: The View
    Section B: The Vista
    Section C: TheAxis
Chapter 11  Rain Gardens
    Section A: Water and SustainableLandscapes
    Section B: Capturing Water Runoff:Landscape Swales
    Section C: Capturing Water Runoff: Filterstrip and Retention Pond
Chapter 12  Landscape of Man
    Section A: China
    Section B: Japan
    Section C: The United States ofAmerica
Chapter 13  TimeSaver Standards for LandscapeArchitecture
    Section A: Site Furniture andFeatures
    Section B: Outdoor AccessibilityDesignConsiderations for
    Accommodating Disabilities
    Section C: Outdoor AccessibilityDesignElements and Details
Chapter 14  Great Architects and Their Masterpieces
    Section A: Fallingwater and VillaSavoy
    Section B: Le Grand Louvre,ContemporaryJewish
    Museum and Olympic Sculpture Park
    Section C.. The Yoyogi National Gymnasiumand Petronas Towers
Chapter 15  Architecture Design Process
    Section A: Architecture Design Process: Howis it Done?
    Section B: Design a Food Stand for a SiteAround Your School
    Section C: The Theory and History ofConstruction
Chapter 16  Modern Architecture and Post modernism
    Section A: Modern Architecture
    Section B. Postmodernism
    Section C: The Derivation of Ideas inTwentiethcentury Architecture
Chapter 17  Architecture in the 20th centuryCriticizingthe Establishment
    Section A: Learning from Las Vegas
    Section B: The PostModern City
    Section C: The New Pleasure inMaterials
Chapter 18  Bionic Design
    Section A: What is Bionics
    SectionB: The Vertical City BionicTower
    Section C: Creativity Bionic Office
Chapter 19  The Royal Crescent in Bath,UK
    Section A: The Royal Crescent History
    Section B: The Day Bombs fell on Bath
    Section C. The History of the Haha
Chapter 20  Architecture of China
    Section A: Chinese Architecture
    Section B: Chinese Civilian Residence
    Section C: The Traditional Architecture ofChina
Chapter 21  Historic Buildings in Seismic Zones
    Section A: Vulnerable Historic Buildings inEarthquakes
    Section B: The Role of the Architect inSeismic Zones
    Section C: Glossary of EarthquakeTerms
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