The history ofChinese pottery dates back to the early Neolithic Age.The earliestpottery shards were unearthed from Xianrendong site of WannianCounty,Jiangxi Province, with a date of some 8,000 years ago. About4,000 years later, the Shang Dynasty produced the earliestprotoceladon, a leap in ceramic history.This book introduces ancient Chineseporcelain.
XuXiaolong, born in 1952, has been engaged in ancient ceramic studiesfor over 30 years. With a keen eye for ancient pottery andporcelain objects, up to now he has published more than 20 academicpapers in authoritative journals. Currently Xu is a guest professorat Peking University Resource College, and a member of collectedarticles appraismg centre at Beijing Wenbo Garden, He is alsoformer vice director of ceramics collection committee of ChinaAssociation of Collectors,and used to be an adviser to \TreasureAppraisal\program on CCTV-2.
Preface From Shang to Western Han From Eastern Han to Northern and Southern Dunasties Periods of Sui, Tang and Flue Dunasties Periods of Song, Liao and Kin Periods of Yuan, Ming and Qing A Record of Auction of Collections A Brief Chronology of Chinese History