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Flood Risk Management of the Deltas of Yellow River,Rhine River and Mississippi River

Flood Risk Management of the Deltas of Yellow River,Rhine River and Mississippi River

定 價:¥35.00

作 者: 黃波 等編著
出版社: 黃河水利出版社
標 簽: 水工建筑物

ISBN: 9787807349617 出版時間: 2010-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16 頁數(shù): 159 字數(shù):  


  The book is composed by four parts: Part A is flood risk management in Yellow River Delta, Part B is flood risk management in Rhine River Delta, and Part C is flood risk management in Mississippi River Delta, and each part includes the problems, analysis and possible solutions, and Part D is comparisons and recommendations. The objective of the book is focused on the flood risk management in these three deltas, and a comparison is made on several aspects: physical, socio-economical, technical, organizational and institutional, legal and policy. We hope the information, the analysis in flood risk management for each delta is helpful to understand the current situation andfuture problems in flood and improve the protection of local people' s lives and property and the soeio-economie development.


暫缺《Flood Risk Management of the Deltas of Yellow River,Rhine River and Mississippi River》作者簡介


Part A Flood Risk Management in Yellow River Delta
  1  Introduction
     1.1  The Yellow River
     1.2  Yellow River Delta
     1.3  Socio-eeonomic development in Delta
  2  Main problems on flood risk management
    2.1  Relatively instability of the river course
    2.2  Continuous sedimentation and imperfect flood defense works
    2.3  Storm surge hazard and disintegrated defense system
    2.4  Land loss
    2.5  Competition between different interests in terms of land use and management
  3  Analysis of the problems
    3.1  The characteristics of water and sediment
    3.2  The sedimentation in the Lower Yellow River and the delta area
    3.3  Decrease of water and silt inflow to delta in recent years
    3.4  Regional development and land use changes
    3.5  Flood risk in the Lower Yellow River and the delta area
    3.6  Risk analysis of storm surge hazard
  4  Possible solutions
    4.1  Sediment reduction
    4.2  Alternatives of extending the running life for current course
    4.3  Spare course plan
Part B Flood Risk Management in Rhine River Delta
  1  Introduction
     1.1  The Rhine
     1.2  The Rhine Delta
  2  Main problems on flood risk management
    2.1  Increasing flood risk
    2.2  High cost in defense maintenance Analysis of flood risk
    3.1   Characteristics of Rhine
    3.2  Flood defense standard (Rhine) : design discharge and water level
    3.3  Floods and causes of the river
    3.4  Storm surge hazard
    3.5  Expectation of sea level rise and river discharge increase
    3.6  Flooding and measures taken
    3.7  Flood defenses system and safety
  4  Possible solutions
    4.1  Reduction of the flow of water to the Rhine Branches
    4.2  Storage of water along the Rhine Branches
    4.3  Discharge of water via the Rhine Branches
Part C Flood Risk Management in Mississippi River Delta
  1  Introduction of Mississippi River Delta
     1.1  Mississippi River system
     1.2  The forming of Mississippi River Delta
     1.3  Physical conditions
     1.4  Socio-economic devemopment
  2  Problems identification
     2.1  Flood threat from the Mississippi River
     2.2  Frequent hurricane and tropical storm and imperfect hurricane protection system
     2.3  Tremendous coastal erosion
     2.4  Land subsidence
     2.5  Insufficient institutional attention and imperfect management
  3  Analysis
     3.1  Climate change in Coastal Louisiana
     3.2  Flood protection system in the Lower Mississippi River
     3.3  The impacts of intervention of human on the river
     3.4  The causes and distribution of the wetland loss
     3.5  Coastal defense
     3.6  The impact of Hurricane Katrina Possible solutions
     4.1  Make a Master Plan for coastal protection and restoration
     4.2  Block the openings of hurricane protection in New Orleans
     4.3  A New Approach to Levee Building
     4.4  Land use management for smart development and minimizing risk
     4.5  Relocation of freshwater and sediment for wetland restoration
Part D Comparison and Recommendations
  1  Comparison
     1.1  Physical condition
     1.2  Socio-economic aspects
     1.3  Main problems
     1.4  Human intervention on the fiver system and impacts
     1.5  The roles of the institutions in flood management
     1.6  Flood defense system and flood risk management
     1.7  Non-structural measures for flood mitigation
     1.8  Flood incident management
  2  Recommendations


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