Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Intemational commercial arbitration in brief 1.1 The definition ofintemational commercial arbitration 1.2 The characteristics ofintemational commercial arbitration 1.3 A historical review ofintemational commercial arbitration 2 Merits and demerits ofintemational commercial arbitration 2.1 Merits ofintemational commercial arbitration 2.2Demerits of international commercial arbitration3 Foundations of intemational commercial arbitration 3.1 The agreement to arbitrate 3.2 The choice ofarbitrators 3.3 The award ofthe arbitral tribunal 3.4 The enforcement ofthe award 4 The kinds of international arbitration 4.1 Institutionalarbitration 4.2 Ad hoc arbitration 4.3 Institutional and ad hoc arbitration contrasted 5 Sources ofintemational commercial arbitration 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Intemational treaties and conventions 5.3 National laws Explanatory Note s Exercises Chapter 2 An Overview of Leading International Arbitration Institutions 1 Introduction 1.1 The attraction of institutional arbitration 1.2 The points ofattention 2 The leading intemational arbitration institutions 2. 1 Introduction 2.2 International Chamber ofcommerces International Court of Arbitration?。↖CC) 2.3 London Court of lntemationaI Arbitration 2.4 The American Arbitration Association 2.5 The Arbitral Centre ofthe World Intellectual Property Organization 2.6 The Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce 2.7 Singapore Intemational Arbitration Centre 2.8 Hong Kong IntemationaIArbitration Centre 2.9 International Center for Settlement oflnvestment Disputes 2.10 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission Explanatory Notes Exercise s Chapter 3 The Arbitration Agreement [Case Analysis] 1 Introduction 1.1 The legal definition 1.2 The categories of arbitration agreement 2 The classifications of an intemational arbitration agreement 2.1 The submission agreement 2.2 The arbitration clause 3 The basic elements of an arbitration agreement- 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The intention to arbitrate 3.3 Ad hoc or institutional arbitration 3.4 Place of arbitration 3.5 The number ofarbitrators 3.6 Goverrung law ofthe arbitration 3.7 Default clauses 3.8 Otherproceduralmatters 4 The validity ofan arbitration agreement 4. 1 Introduction 4.2Formal validity 4.3 Adefined legal relationship 4.4 The element ofarbitrability 5 The separability of the intemational arbitration agreement 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The history and legal nature of the doctrine of separability 5.3 The legal significance ofthe separability doctrine 6 Thelegalconsequences ofthe arbitration agreement 6. 1 Introduction- 6.2 Positive effects of the arbitration agreement 6.3 Negative effects ofthe arbitration agreement Explanatory Notes Exercise Chapter 4 Applicable Laws in International Commercial Arbitrahon [Case Analysis] 1 Introduction 1. 1 The cause ofapplicable laws in intemational commercial arbitration 1.2 The complexities ofapplicable laws 2 The application ofthe doctrine oflex arbiffi 2.1 Introduction 2.2 The doctrine oflex arbitri 3 The law applicable to the substantive issues 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The autonomy ofthe parties 4 The law goveming the arbitration agreement "" 4. 1Introduction 4.2Alternatives oflaw governing arbitration agreement 5 The conflict oflaws in arbitration 5.1Introduction 5. 1 The choice ofthe conflict oflaws Explanatory Notes , Exercises Chapter 5 The ArbitraI Tribunal [Case Analysis] 1 The establishment ofan arbitraltribuna 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Commencement ofan arbitratio 1.3 Establishing an arbitraltribuna 2 Arbitrators in international commercial arbitration, 2.1 Appointmentofarbitrators 2.2Qualities required ofarbitrators in intemational cohunercial arbitration 2.3Impartiality and independence ofarbitrators 2.4 Challenge and replacement ofarbitrators 3 Powers and duties ofan arbitraltribuna 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Powers ofarbitrators 3.3 Duties ofarbitrators 4 Jurisdiction ofan arbitral tribunal and challenges thereto 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Challengestojurisdiction 4.3 Respondents choices for challenge 4.4 The arbitral tribunals responses to challenges Explanatory Notes Exercises Chapter 6 The ArbitraIProceedings [Case Analysis] 1 Introduction 1.1 The arbitralproceedingsin genera 1.2 Adversarial or inquisitorial ? 1.3 The control over arbitral proceedings 1.4 Party autonomy in arbitral proceedings …… Chapter 7 Interim Measures in International Arbitration Chapter 8 The Arbitration Award Chapter 9 Challenge to ASwards Chapter 10 Tecongnition and Enforcement of Internationgal Arbitration A Awards 參考書目