皮?。―an Pilone) is a Software Architect forVangent, Inc., and has led software developmentteams for the Naval Research Laboratory, UPS,Hughes, and NASA. Hes taught graduate andundergraduate Software Engineering at CatholicUniversity in Washington, D.C.Dans previous Head First books are Head FirstSoftware Development and Head First Algebra, so hes used to them being a little out of the ordinary, but this is the first book to involve bounty hunters. Even scarier was watching Tracey shift to become a night.owl and Apple fan-girl to get this book done. Dans degree is in Computer Science with a minor inMathematics from Virginia Tech and he is one of the instructors for the OReilly iPhone Development Workshop.皮?。═racey Pilone) would first like to thank herco-author and husband for sharing another bookand being relentless in his willingness to stay uplate to get things right.She is a freelance technical writer who supportsmission planning and RF analysis software for theNavvy and is the author of Head First Alebra.Before becoming a writer, she spent several yearsworking as a construction manager on largecommercial construction skes around Washington,D.C. There she was part of a team responsible forcoordinating the design and construction of officebuildings, using engineering and managementskills that somehow all came in handy writingHead First books.She has a Civil Engineering degree from VirginiaTech, holds a Professional Engineers License,and received a Masters of Education from theUniversity of Virginia.
Intro 1 Getting Started: Coing mobile 2 iPhone App Patterns: Hello@titter 3 Objective-G for the iPhone: Twitter needs variety 4 Multiple Views: A table with a view 5 plists and Modal Views: Refining your app 6 Saving, Editing, and Sorting Data: Everyone's an editor 7 Tab Bars and Gore Data: Enterprise apps 8 Migrating and Optimizing with Gore Data: Things are changing 9 Camera, Map Kit, and Gore Location: Proof in the real world i Leftovers: The top 6 things (we didn't cover) ii Preparing Your App for Distribution: Get ready for the App Store