In the Chinese way of describing the necessities of life, clothing ranks at the top of \garments, food, shelter and means of travel.\ In this country with a long history of garments and ornaments, there is a wealth of archeological findings showing the development of garments, as well as their portrayals in ancient mythology, history books, poems and songs, novels and drama. China, as a country made up of 56 ethnic groups that continually influenced each other, has undergone continuous transformation in dress style and customs.作者簡介:Hua Mei Born in the city of Tianjin .She is the head and professor of the international School of Women of the Tianjin Normal University and head of the Huamei Clothing Ornament Culturology Study. Her major works include Human Costume and Ornament Culturology, Costume, Ornament and Chinese Culture, and etc. She edited several series of books and wrote the Garments and Ornament Column on People's Daily.
Hua Mei Born in the city of Tianjin .She is the head and professor of the international School of Women of the Tianjin Normal University and head of the Huamei Clothing Ornament Culturology Study. Her major works include Human Costume and Ornament Culturology, Costume, Ornament and Chinese Culture, and etc. She edited several series of books and wrote the Garments and Ornament Column on Peoples Daily.
Preface A Brief History of Ancient Garments Shenyi and Broad Sleeves Introduction of Ethnic Minority Styles The Elegant Wei and ]in Period The Thousand Faces of the Tang Costume Beizi: a Song Style Garment Ming Garments as Seen in Classical Portraits Qi Costumes-a Combination of Manchu and Han Nationality's Clothes Clothes and Hierarchy in Ancient Times Royal Ceremonial Wear The Official Uniform Ancient armor suits Silk, the Silk Road and the Art of Embroidery Beauty of Primitive Garments Adornments and Fairy Tales Hats with Meanings Shawls and the Back Wrapping Cloth A Silhouette of Tibet Costumes Countless Ornamental Objects Trends in Modern Garments Civilized New Clothes and Improved Cheong-sam Farmer & Worker Uniforms and Service-dresses Professional image and professional dresses Keeping Pace with the World Fashion Appendix: Chronological Table of the Chinese Dynasties