Hangzhou cannot be described in mere words or pictures; it must beLived and breathed, explored andunderstood first hand. This is the citythat captivated Marco PoLo more thanany other, and has given inspirationto generation after generation ofartist and poet. Its a city very muchmade by its geography, and West Lakeprays an important, if hidden, rolein the average Hangzhou residentsconsciousness.
BASIC INFO When to Come Festivals Money & Costs GETTING TO KNOW HANGZHOU Geography & Climate History & Culture People & Dialect Sister Cities Long-term Expats Economy & Environment SIGHTSEEING & MAIN ATTRACTIONS The Best of Hangzhou Hills Historic Streets Pagodas Religious Sites Parks Zoo, Aquarium, Botanical Garden Museums Former Residences Traditional Chinese Medicirle Day Trips from Hanozhou TRANSPORT & ACCOMMODATION Transport Where to Stay LEISURE & LIFESTYLE Cafd & Teahouse Shopping Markets Shopping Streets Local Fashion Department Stores Supermarkets Convenience Stores Sport Health & Beauty DINING Wine and Dine with the Locals Eat Internationally Farmer's Restaurants & Hostel Restaurants Famous Dishes/Snacks Fine Dining Historic Restaurants Greasy Spoons Dining Options (Listings by category) Sweet Treats Bakeries