Today Is the Best Day First Woman Doctor in the World The Nail Common Sense Terrible West Hill Farm The Ant and the Dove Why Did He Always Win? When I Graduated Do It Today The Man of Principle IF and WHEN The Thief and the Innkeeper The Blind Beggar Who Packed Your Parachute? The Trees and the Axe The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse The Bat and the Birds Salt Water To Make Rainbows You Need The Email Big Man in a Small Town Each Day Is a Gift The Fox and the Geese Love, Wealth or Success? The Soldier The Carpenter The Wise Woman's Stone The Dog and the Wolf Fear Filling a Sieve with Water One Stormy Night The Three Pots Only One Instance Adjusting Sails The Pirate's Mistake Low Prices Tactic Bobby Turns Brave The Two Princesses The Missing Sweetmeat King and the Three Sons The Kindhearted Villager The Lost Ball Commitment Overcoming Other People's Opinion Gossip Wolf and the Fox The Magical Tree Sometimes and Always Leaving One's Comfort Zone How Valuable Are You? Little Friend Arithmetic Lesson The Fox and the Goat ……