UNIT ONE Thinking Starters Text A: Speech at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Text B: Just Be Yourself Reading Skills: Comparison and Contrast (I) Readings and Self-testing UNIT TWO Thinking Starters Text A: War Text B: A Glimpse of Heaven Reading Skills: Comparison and Contrast (II) Readings and Self-testing UNIT THREE Thinking Starters Text A: School Violence Is Exaggerated by the Media Text B: The History of Gun Control Reading Skills: Long and Difficult Sentences (I) Readings and Self-testing UNIT FOUR Thinking Starters Text A: Speech at Kean College Text B: The Anthropology of Manners Reading Skills: Long and Difficult Sentences (II) Readings and Self-testing UNIT FIVE Thinking Starters Text A: I'm Still Me!--Steve's Story Text B: Sex, Lies and Conversation Reading Skills: Fact and Opinion (I) Readings and Self-testing #NIT SIX Thinking Starters Text A: The Case for a Sovereign Quebec Text B: Violence in the Media Reading Skills: Fact and Opinion (II) Readings and Self-testing UNIT SEVEN Thinking Starters Text A: Diplomacy in the Age of Terror Text B: The Age of Nonpolarity Reading Skills: Making Inference (I) Readings and Self-testing UNIT EIGHT Thinking Starters Text A: The Inheritance of Tools Text B: The Inheritance of Tools (continued) Reading Skills: Making Inference (11) Readings and Self-testing UNITNINE Thinking Starters Text A: Two Kinds Text B: Two Kinds (continued) Reading Skills: Cause and Effect (I) Readings and Self-testing UNITTEN Thinking Starters Text A: Why Men Become Men Text B: A Proposal I Never Thought I'd Consider Reading Skills: Cause and Effect (II) Readings and Self-testing ELEVEN Thinking Starters Text A: Cyberspace: If You Don't Love It, Leave It Text B: The Longest Day Reading Skills: Critical Reading (I) Readings and Self-testing UNIT TWELVE Thinking Starters Text A: A Little Theory Text B: The Most Important Book I Read: The Stranger by Albert Camus Reading Skills: Critical Reading (11) Readings and Self-testing UNIT THIRTEEN Thinking Starters Text A: Access to Cheap Drugs Can Slow the AIDS Epidemic in Africa Text B: The Global AIDS Epidemic Is a Serious Problem Reading Skills: Reading for Main Ideas Readings and Self-testing UNIT FOURTEEN Thinking Starters Text A: Working for a Constitution: James Madison Text B: To Move Toward Independence: Thomas Jefferson Reading Skills: Reading for Thesis Statement Readings and Self-testing UNIT FIFTEEN Thinking Starters Text A: Sixty Feet Deep Text B: Green Acres Reading Skills: Understanding Text Structure and Organization (I) Readings and Self-testing UNIT SIXTEEN Thinking Starters Text A: The Genes That Jump Text B: Understanding Eskimo Science Reading Skills: Understanding Text Structure and Organization (11) Readings and Self-testing