CHAPTER 1 The Global Melting Pot ACADEMIC FOCUS:SOCIOLOGY AND INTERNATIONA STUDIES Reading Assignment 1: Buicks, Starbucks and Fried Chicken:Still China? Reading Assignment 2: The Muslim World of Colas Reading Assignment 3: The Roots of Old and New World Foods CHAPTER2 What Makes You You? ACADEMIC FOCUS:GENETICS AND PSYCHOLOGY Reading Assignment 1: The Nature versus Nurture Debate Reading Assignment 2: The Wild Boy of Aveyron Reading Assignment 3: Linking Psychology and Genetics CHAPTER3 Norms and Values: To Sleep, To Dream ACADEMIC FOCUS:PHYSIOLOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY Reading Assignment 1: While You Are Sleeping Reading Assignment 2: What Is Dreaming Reading Assignment 3: The ABC's of Dreams CHAPTER4 Women Speak Out ACADEMIC FOCUS: LITERATURE AND WOMEN'S STUDIES Reading Assignment 1: Lessons for Wome Reading Assignment 2: At Last Free Reading Assignment 3: A Domestic Dilemma CHAPTER5 Cracking the Ice Age ACADEMIC FOCUS: GEOLOGY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Reading Assignment 1: The Story behind the Ice Age Reading Assignment 2: The Ice Man Cometh/ 183 Reading Assignment 3: Kill, Chill, or Ill? What Happened to the Ice Age Mammals CHAPTER6 Science and Society: Up from Slavery ACADEMIC FOCUS: HISTORY Reading Assignment 1: Slavery in America Reading Assignment 2: A Slave's Journey in Sudan Reading Assignment 3: From Restavec: From Haitian Slave Child to Middle-Class American Keys