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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術計算機/網絡網絡與數(shù)據(jù)通信網絡組建與管理深入淺出網絡管理(影印版)



定 價:¥88.00

作 者: (美)安德森,(美)貝內德蒂 著
出版社: 東南大學出版社
標 簽: 網絡配置與管理


ISBN: 9787564119263 出版時間: 2010-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 12開 頁數(shù): 500 字數(shù):  


  你將從《深入淺出網絡管理(影印版)》學到什么?網絡管理書籍中大量的縮寫讓你昏昏欲睡嗎?別擔心,《深入淺出網絡管理》會一路陪伴你,讓你從網絡管理的新手蛻變成為大師,不僅讓你知其然,而且還讓你知其所以然?!渡钊霚\出網絡管理》會讓你自己動手解決現(xiàn)實世界的網絡問題。你正在光纖網絡中找尋故障之處嗎?你想從藍圖中找出影響網絡的障礙物嗎?無論是DHCP或NAT、port mapping或IP spoofing、路由器或交換機,《深入淺出網絡管理(影印版)》都會替你細說分明……并且教你修正導致網絡罷工的問題。為何《深入淺出網絡管理(影印版)》如此與眾不同?同“深入淺出”系列中的其他書籍一樣,《深入淺出網絡管理》采取了專為大腦運作而設計的豐富視覺化風格,運用神經生物學、認知科學與學習理論的最新研究成果,結合文字與圖片,精心建構出引發(fā)多重感知的學習體驗,讓你輕松了解網絡管理,并且不容易忘記。


  安德森(A1 Anderson) is grateful that his family gavehim the time and space to write this book. Heis also grateful to have Ryan as coauthor. A1 isthe Director of Academic IT Services at SalishKootenai College. He also teaches such classes onnetworking services, network operating systems andprogramming for the IT program.A1 has also produced training videos on Ruby, Rubyon Rails, and RealBasic. If that was nt enough,he recently finished his Bachelors in ComputerEngineering after starting 20 plus years ago.This book adventure started over a year and halfago when Ryan and A1 were flown to Boston toattend training at OReillys Cambridge office. Theywere not under contract yet, and they were not surewhere the journey would take them. It turned out tobe a great adventure. Thank you OReilly!貝內德蒂(Ryan Benedetti) holds a Master of Fine Artsdegree in creative writing from the Universityof Montana and teaches in the Liberal ArtsDepartment at Salish Kootenai College (SKC) onthe Flathead Indian Reservation.For seven years, Ryan served as DepartmentHead for Information Technology and ComputerEngineering at SKC. Prior to that, he worked aseditor and information systems specialist for a river,stream, and wetland research program in the Schoolof Forestry at the University of Montana.Ryans poems have been published in Cut Bank andAndrei Codrescus Exquisite Corpse. He loves painting,cartooning, playing blues harmonica, making Flashlearning toys, and practicing zazen. He spends hisbest moments with his daughter and son in theMission Mountain Valley of Montana, and with hissweetheart, Shonna, in Portland, OR.


1 Walking on Wires: Fixing Physical Networks
2 Networking in the Dark: Planning Network Layouts
3 Into the Wire: Tools and Troubleshooting
4 You’ve Been Framed: Packet Analysis
5 How Smart is Your Network?: Network Devices and Traffic
6 Bringing Things Together: Connecting Networks with Routers
7 It’s a Matter of Protocol: Routing Protocols
8 Names to Numbers: The Domain Name System
9 Listen to Your Network’s Troubles: Monitoring and Troubleshooting
10 Working Without Wires: Wireless Networking
11 Get Defensive: Network Security
12 You Gotta Have a Plan!: Designing Networks
i Leftovers: The Top Ten Things (We Didn’t Cover)
ii Looking Things Up: ASCII Tables
iii Getting a Server to talk DNS: Installing BIND


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