一、板殼分析樣條邊界元法(樣條積分方程法) 1.樣條邊界元解克?;舸笮桶?br /> 2.圓板非線性分析的樣條積分方程法 3.The Method of Spline Integration Equations for Nonlinear Analvsis of Circular Plates 4.Kirchhoff型板樣條邊界元 5.Spline Boundary Element Method for Plate Bending Problem 6.Spline Boundary Element Method with Thin-plate Analogue for Shallow shells 7.求解扁球殼彎曲問題的薄板比擬法 8.Reissner型板樣條邊界元 9.Spline Boundary Element for Reissner Plate and its Application to Foundation Plates 10.Kirchhoff型扁殼樣條邊界元 11.變厚圓形薄板的樣條積分方程法及其程序 12.彈性薄板殼自由振動(dòng)樣條邊界元 13.關(guān)于基礎(chǔ)板基本解的收斂問題 14.樣條積分方程法分析環(huán)板大撓度問題 15.連續(xù)殼體樣條邊界元統(tǒng)一解 16.非線性支承板的樣條邊界元法分析 17.Spline Integral Equation Method for Plate with Variable Thickness and its Optimization 18.Spline Integral Equation Method for Plates and Shallow Shells with Variable Thickness and Plate O’ptimization 19.Spline Integral Equation Method for Elastoplastic Bending of P1ates 20.Spline Integral Equation Method for Elastoplastic Bending of P1ates and Shallow Shells 21.樣條積分方程法分析彈塑性板彎曲 22.Isotropicalized Spline Integral Equation Method for the Analysis of Anisotropic Plates 23.分析各向異性板的各向同性化樣條積分方程法 24.Spline Integral。Equation Method for the Analysis of Shallow Shells by Coupling the Bending Plate and the Plane-Stress Sheet 25.扁殼分析的板片耦合樣條積分方程法 26.各向異性薄扁殼的樣條積分方程法 27.樣條積分方程法分析變厚板 二、樣條邊界元法、邊界點(diǎn)(全特解場(chǎng))法解二、三維問題 1.彈塑性問題的樣條邊界元方法 2.Particular Solut.ions Method A djusted by Singularity for Calculating Boundary Stress 3.奇性校正特解場(chǎng)法計(jì)算邊界應(yīng)力 4.關(guān)于邊界元方法中柯西主值積分的探討 5.受有集中力的樣條邊界元法 6.奇性校正特解場(chǎng)法計(jì)算任意點(diǎn)應(yīng)力和位移 7.全特解場(chǎng)邊界元方法 8.All Particualar Solution Method in Botlndary Element Techniques 9.邊界元技術(shù)中的全特解場(chǎng)方法 10.全特解場(chǎng)法分析受有變溫載荷問題 11.Stress Rate IntegraI Equations of:Elastopl Asticitv 12.邊界元技術(shù)新探——邊界點(diǎn)方法 13.計(jì)算結(jié)構(gòu)振動(dòng)聲幅射的分布源邊界點(diǎn)方法 14.邊界點(diǎn)法分析疊層板殼 15.分布源邊界點(diǎn)法及其在振動(dòng)體聲輻射計(jì)算中的應(yīng)用 16.聲輻射計(jì)算的改進(jìn)體積源邊界點(diǎn)法 17.The Enhanced Volume-SowIrce Boundary Point Method(EVSBPM)for the Calculation of Acoustic Radiation Problem 18.邊界點(diǎn)法分析非齊次問題 三、地基、地基板工程應(yīng)用技術(shù) 1.拱渡槽整體分析 2.廣義地基上結(jié)構(gòu)物的有限元分析 3.樣條邊界元法解Winkler地基板 4.廣義地基薄板樣條邊界元分析 5.非線性支承板樣條邊界元分析 6.彈性半空間地基板基本解函數(shù)的加速收斂 7.正交各向異性有限深地基平面問題基本解 8.B-D Spline Boundary Element Method for the Analysis of Sluice 9.樣條邊界元法分析圓形基礎(chǔ)板非線性非光滑接觸 10.無限樣條邊界元 11.無限樣條邊界元及其在結(jié)構(gòu)地基耦合中的應(yīng)用 12.Infinite Spline Boundary Element Method and its Application to Structure-Foundation Interaction 13.水閘閘室結(jié)構(gòu)三維樣條邊界元分析 14.拱壩應(yīng)力分析的三維樣條邊界元法 15.拱壩應(yīng)力分析的三維樣條邊界元法 16.拱壩溫度應(yīng)力分析的樣條邊界元法 四、部分學(xué)生的作品 1.An Effeetive Method for Calculating Values on and near Boundaries in bem for Potential Problems 2.新型疊層式剪力墻試驗(yàn)研究及抗震性能分析 3.Stress Transfer in Crossply Laminates with Transverse Cracks 4.梁彎曲問題的樣條小波邊界元法