Robert DiYanni is Director of International Services at the College Board. A Professor of English and Humanities at New York University, Dr. DiYanni has lectured and conducted workshops for teachers of English and interdisciplinary humanities in the US, Mexico, Europe, and Asia. He has written and edited more than twenty-five books, including The McGraw-Hill Book of Poetry, The McGraw-Hill Book of Fiction, The Scribner Handbook for Writers, Writing about the Humanities, Literature: An Introduction, and Modern American Prose.Dr. Theresa Jen is Associate Director ofInternational Services at the College Board andDirector & Professor at the Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania. She is also a consultantto ETS (Educational Testing Services) and ACTFL(American Council on the Teaching of ForeignLanguages). A renowned scholar with prominentleadership, Dr. Jen has been active in both international and Americanmainstream educational fields. She has been invited as a keynote speaker innumerous national and international conferences. She has also lectured andconducted English and teacher training workshops in the US, Europe, and Asia.