PART I THE GREEK WORLD 1 The Age of Alexander the Great PART II THE ROMAN WORLD 2 The Roman Republic: Origins, Breakdown and Rebirth 3 Caesar and Christ 4 The Pax Romana and the Decline of Rome PART III THE MEDIEVAL WORLD 5 The Sword of Faith: The High Middle Ages (1100-1300) PART IV FOUNDATIONS OF THE MODERN WORLD 6 "I Am the State!": The Development of Absolutism in England and France 7 "Dare to Know!": The Scientific Revolution 8 The Enlightenment and the Revolution of the Mind PART V THE ERA OF REVOLUTION 9 "A World to Win!": The Industrial Revolution 10 "Mark Them with Your Dead!": The Scramble for Global Empire PART VI THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AND BEYOND 11 The Great War (1914-1918) 12 "The Abyss Also Looks into You": War and Holocaust (1939-1945)