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Facts about the Xi'an Incident

Facts about the Xi'an Incident

定 價:¥38.00

作 者: 申伯純 著,俞孟嘉 譯
出版社: 人民出版社
標 簽: 史料典籍

ISBN: 9787010080611 出版時間: 2009-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 大32開 頁數(shù): 391 字數(shù):  


  The Xi'an Incident was a turning-point event of momentous significance in China's contemporary history. The author was fortunate enough to participate in the process of the Incident and got to know quite a few inside things. First, the author wrote of episodes, section by section, from his own reminiscences, one section for one episode. Then, he collected materials and solicited opinions from those who had participated in the Incident, noting down things as he interviewed them. After Comrade Zhou Enlai, at the commemorative forum marking the 20'h anniversary of the Xi'an Incident, called on related comrades of various sides to write articles about the Incident, some more materials were received...


暫缺《Facts about the Xi'an Incident》作者簡介


Foreword of the Renewed Edition
The Red Army's Victories in Southern Shaanxi and Northern Shaanxi
The Red 25th Army That Was Active in Southern Shaanxi
 The. Founding of the Red 15th Army Corps
 The Northeast Army Violently Thrust Yan'an
 The Laoshan Battle
 The Yulingiao Battle
 The Party Central, Chairman Mao and the Central Red Army Arriving in Northern Shaanxi and the Zhiluo Township Battle
Winning over Zhang XueHang for the Cause of United Resistance to Japan
 Zhang Xueliang, Depressed, Sought for a Way out
 Gao Fuyuan Courageously Conveyed Messages
 The Visit to Luochuan
 Liu Ding Appointed as .Representative
 The Yan'an Talks
 Developing Low-Level United Front Work
Winning over Yang Hucheng for the Cause of United Resistance to Japan
 Initial Moves
 Yang Hucheng's Political Attitude and Situation
 Initial Steps in Putting forward the Issue of Uniting with Communists to Resist Japan
 Chairman Mao Himself Dispatched Wang Feng to Xi'an
 Wang Shiying Secretly met with Yang Hucheng
 Several Principles Agreed upon between the Two Sides and the Setting up of the Liaison Stations
 Wang Bingnan Returned from Abroad98
The Policy of Compelling Chiang to Resist Japan and the shaping up of the Situation of "Three Entities in One Body"
 Compelling Chiaug to Resist Japan and the May 5th Circular Telegram
 Evolution of Relationships between Zhang and Yang
 Shaping up of the "Three in One" Stance of United Resistance to Japan
Zhang and Yang's Preparatory Anti-Japanese Activities of the Chiang Faction in Xi'an
The Influence and the Special Agents" Activities Of the Chiang Faction in Xi'an
Chiang Kai-shek Pressed Zhang and Yang to Continue"Communists-Annihilation"
The Capture of Chiang
Zhang and Yang's Military and Political Measures as well as Their Publictity Publicity Work among the Masses
Domestic and Foreign Reverberations of the Incident
Nanjing" s Rescuing Operation and Xi'an's Decision
Chiang's Revenge and Xi'an's Counter Measures
The Two Sides Reopened Negotiations
Difference between the Peace and the War Options, and Internal Contradictions
Intensification of Contradictions and Breakdown in the midst of Xi'an
The Xi'an Incident and the Shaping up of the Anti-Japanese Situation


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