As a student, I was rearing at the bit, after a course on quantum mechanics, tolearn quantum field theory, but the books on the subject all seemed so formidable.Fortunately, I came across a little book by Mandl on field theory, which gaveme a taste of the subject enabling me to go on and tackle the more substantivetexts. I have since learned that other physicists of my generation had similar goodexperiences with Mandl.
Preface Convention, Notation, and Units PART Ⅰ MOTIVATION AND FOUNDATION Ⅰ.1 Who Needs It? Ⅰ.2 Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Physics Ⅰ.3 From Mattress to Field Ⅰ.4 From Field to Particle to Force Ⅰ.5 Coulomb and Newton: Repulsion and Attraction Ⅰ.6 Inverse Square Law and the Floating 3-Brane Ⅰ.7 Feynman Diagrams Ⅰ.8 Quantizing Canonically and Disturbing the Vacuum Ⅰ.9 Symmetry Ⅰ.10 Field Theory in Curved Spacetime Ⅰ.11 Field Theory Redux PART Ⅱ DIRAC AND THE SPINOR Ⅱ.1 The Dirac Equation Ⅱ.2 Quantizing the Dirac Field Ⅱ.3 Lorentz Group and Weyl Spinors Ⅱ.4 Spin-Statistics Connection Ⅱ.5 Vacuum Energy, Grassmann Integrals, and Feynman Diagrams for Fermions Ⅱ.6 Electron Scattering and Gauge Invariance Ⅱ.7 Diagrammatic Proof of Gauge Invariance PART Ⅲ RENORMALIZATION AND GAUGE INVARIANCE Ⅲ.1 Cutting Off Our Ignorance Ⅲ.2 Renormalizable versus Nonrenormalizable Ⅲ.3 Counterterms and Physical Perturbation Theory Ⅲ.4 Gauge Invariance: A Photon Can Find No Rest Ⅲ.5 Field Theory without Relativity Ⅲ.6 The Magnetic Moment of the Electron Ⅲ.7 Polarizing the Vacuum and Renormalizing the Charge PART Ⅳ SYMMETRY AND SYMMETRY BREAKING Ⅳ.1 Symmetry Breaking Ⅳ.2 The Pion as a Nambu-Goldstone Boson Ⅳ.3 Effective Potential Ⅳ.4 Magnetic Monopole Ⅳ.5 Nonabelian Gauge Theory Ⅳ.6 The Anderson-Higgs Mechanism Ⅳ.7 Chiral Anomaly PART Ⅴ FIELD THEORY AND COLLECTIVE PHENOMENA Ⅴ.1 Superfluids Ⅴ.2 Euclid, Boltzmann, Hawking, and Field Theory at Finite Temperature Ⅴ.3 Landau-Ginzburg Theory of Critical Phenomena Ⅴ.4 Superconductivity Ⅴ.5 Peierls Instability Ⅴ.6 Solitons Ⅴ.7 Vortices, Monopoles, and Instantons PART Ⅵ FIELD THEORY AND CONDENSED MATTER Fractional Statistics, Chem-Simons Term, and Topological Field Theory Quantum Hall Fluids Duality The δ Models as Effective Field Theories Ferromagnets and Antiferromagnets Surface Growth and Field Theory Disorder: Replicas and Grassmannian Symmetry Renormalization Group Flow as a Natural Concept in High Energy and Condensed Matter Physics PART Ⅶ GRAND UNIFICATION Quantizing Yang-Mills Theory and Lattice Gauge Theory . Electroweak Unification Quantum Chromodynamics Large N Expansion Grand Unification Protons Are Not Forever SO(10) Unification PART Ⅷ GRAVITY AND BEYOND Gravity as a Field Theory and the Kaluza-Klein Picture The Cosmological Constant Problem and the Cosmic Coincidence Problem Effective Field Theory Approach to Understanding Nature . Supersymmetry: A Very Brief Introduction A Glimpse of String Theory as a 2-Dimensional Field Theory Closing Words APPENDIXES A Gaussian Integration and the Central Identity of Quantum Field Theory B A Brief Review of Group Theory C Feynman Rules D Various Identities and Feynman Integrals E Dotted and Undotted Indices and the Majorana Spinor Solutions to Selected Exercises Further Reading Index