Introduction to Business Spanish is directed at beginners, professionals andstudents, who need a basic introduction to the Spanish language in order tosupport or enhance their career development. Its two major objectives are :to introduce basic notions of Spanish language to those who do not haveknowledge of this language;to introduce the lexis (words and terminology) that is needed for use ineveryday business situations.The methodological focus developed by the authors is specifically designedto provide a structured approach for the development of the communicativecompetence of the learner.A number of varied activities have been prepared for the student to workthrough the four language abilities or linguistic skills: listening comprehen-sion, oral comprehension, reading comprehension and written expression.There is a particular emphasis on the acquisition and development of speci-fic purpose and general vocabulary. The authors have also provided the ba-sic functional and grammatical frameworks that will allow students to par-ticipate in both formal and informal everyday communicative situations inthe world of business.
Ma Lourdes de Miguel Garcfa, has more than twenty years teaching and training experience. She gra-duated in linguistics from the University of Kent, UK and she has obtained master degree in Teach-ing of Spanish from the University of Salamanca, Spain. She has several other postgraduate quali-fications in teaching foreign languages. Her research area is based on the methodology of teach-ing vocabulary in a foreign language. Her most recent publication can be found at: She is a lecturer in Spanish language in the SydneyBusiness School at the University of Wollongong, Australia. She teaches a range of students in-cluding those from Non-English speaking backgrounds.Jos6 Ram6n G6mez Molina Doctor in Pedagogy and Spanish Philology.He iS P rofessor of Depart-ment of Spanish Philology at the Unive rsity of Valencia.Spain.HiS academiC interests are in Soci-olinguistics and the teaching 0f Spanish as a fi rst.second and foreign language.He has an exten-sive range of publications,available at rrfculum GOmezMolina.pdf and has COllabo rated in cu rriculum devel-opment for the Cervantes Institute.He iS CU rrently the scientific coordinator of an important soci-olinguistic Spanish language project subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technol-ogy
UNIT 1 LEARNING SPANISH Dialogue 1: (In the classroom) Greetings and introductions. Dialogue 2: (In the canteen) Informal introductions. Dialogue 3: (In an employment office) Information request. Dialogue 4: (In Madrid Airport) Formal introductions. Final Task: To elaborate a personal identification form. UNIT 2 THE COMPANY Dialogue 1: (In the Director's office) Welcome and farewell. Dialogue 2: (In the Administration Manager's office) Information request. Dialogue 3: (In the Director's office) Providing information. Dialogue 4: (In the Director's office) Work planning. Dialogue 5: (In the meeting room) Company organization and functions. Final Tasks: To elaborate a data base. Planning to open a company. To fill in a personal resume. UNIT 3 THE PRODUCT Dialogue 1 : (In the Project Manager's office) Work diary. Dialogue 2: (In Iberia Logistica central office)A job interview. Dialogue 3: (At a business dinner) Product information. Dialogue 4: (In Iberia Logistica meeting room) Promotion of the product. Final Tasks: To fill in a migration card. To prepare the presentation of a product. UNIT 4 BUSINESS RELATIONS Dialogue 1 (In a hotel in Madrid) Information about location. Dialogue 2: (In Madrid Chamber of Commerce) Reception. Meeting plan. Dialogue 3: (In a restaurant) Meal order. Commercial agreement. Dialogue 4: (In Iberia Logistica meeting room) Conditions of purchase. Final Tasks: To elaborate a company card. To reach an agreement on conditions of payment. To consolidate contents of previous tasks. EXERCISES KEY BOOK. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4