Thanks and acknowledgements Introduction 1 Confidence and dictionary skills-building activities 1.1 Getting to knowyour dictionary 1.2 Finding the words you want quickly 1.3 Finding the words you want quickly 2 1.4 Spellcheck 1.5 Alphabet warmer 1.6 Alphabet practice: Code breaking 1.7 Navigating the dictionary: Where is the letter? 1.8 Navigating the dictionary: Where is the word? 1.9 Is that a realword? 1.10 Navigating the dictionary: Parts of speech 1.11 Navigating the dictionary: Labels 1.12 Navigating the dictionary: Using guidewords and signposts 1.13 Navigating the dictionary: Using guidewords and signposts 1.14 Locating multi-word items 1.15 Definitions 1.16 Example sentences 1.17 Dictionary quiz 2 Vocabulary-building activities 2.1 Learner training: Recording vocabulary 2.2 Definitions writing, matching and concentration 2.3 Definitions bluff 2.4 Collocations i: Make and do 2.5 Collocations z:Verb + noun 2.6 Collocations 3: Adjective + noun dominoes 2.7 Word building 1 2.8 Word building 2 2.9 Word building 3 2.10 Word building 4 2.11 Word building 5 2.12 Word building 6 2.13 Word families 2.14 Comparatives patchwork 2.15 Adjectives: Positive or negative? 2.16 Understanding connotation 2.17 Multi-word expressions 2.18 Expressions: Opposites? 2.19 Phrasal verbs 2.20 Common lexical errors: Correction 3 Grammar activities 3.1 Grammar codes 3.2 Countable and uncountable nouns 3.3 Uncountable nouns 3.4 Recipes 3.5 Plurals 3.6 Dependent preposition wheels 3.7 Dependent prepositions: Error correction 3.8 to or-ing? 3.9 Common errors: Transitive and intransitive verbs 3.10 Grammar auction 4 Pronunciation activities 4.1 Syllables and stress 4.z Stress: Two syllable nouns and verbs 4.3 -ed endings 4.4 Homophones 4.5 Minimal pairs 4.6 Odd one out 4.7 Rhymes? 4.8 Rhyming slang 4.9 Bespoke tongue twisters 4.10 Short short stories 5 Reading and writing activities 5.1 Reading: Meaning and context 1 5.2 Reading: Meaning and context 2 5.3 Confusables 5.4 Formal or informal 1 5.5 Formal or informal 2 5.6 Text completion 5.7 Academic writing: Discourse markers 5.8 Punctuation 5.9 Mini-stories 5.10 The dice game 5.11 Extreme dialogue writing 5.12 Fairy story 6 Quick activities 6.1 Picture this! Memory game 6.2 Spelling 6.3 Topic brainstorm 6.4 Senses brainstorm 6.5 Idioms brainstorm 6.6 Vocabulary box 6.7 Describe and draw 6.8 DIY pre-teaching 6.9 Associations 6.10 Hairy headlines 6.11 Categories 6.12 Name cards 7 CD-ROM and electronic dictionary activities CD-ROM activities 7.1 Exploring your dictionary 7.2 Idioms 7.3 British and American English 7.4 Pictures 7.5 Lexical chains 1 7.6 Lexical chains 2 7.7 Haiku Electronic and online dictionary activities 7.8 Concordances and corpora 7.9 Word and phrase origins 8 Specialized dictionaries Bilingual dictionaries 8.1 Word maze 8.2 Production dictionaries Picture dictionaries 8.3 Memory game 8.4 Picture snakes Phrasal verb dictionaries 8.5 Phrasalverb + noun shuffle 8.6 Pelmanism Idioms dictionaries 8.7 Keywords in idioms 8.8 Idioms in the media Resources Index