This book clearly aims at developing and testing sensitivity to the shades of meaning in English language usage - a far cry from the old days of rote learning which may have produced knowledge of words and phrases but often resulted in very awkward or ambiguous sentence structure, making it difficult for English people to understand what the speaker or writer was trying to communicate: You have been able to master the English language and your book provides a very interesting way for police to develop the same skills.
Liu Zhongwen is an associate professor who chairs the Multimedia Sound LabOffice with research interests in computer aided English teaching and criminology, amember of China Research Society on Juvenile Delinquency, the Textbook WritingCommittee of the National Higher Learning Association and a candidate for PolicingLiaison Officers of the Chinese Public Security Ministry. In addition to English teaching and office administration, he is also responsible for international cooperation liaison for the Academy. English for Elite Police is the culmination of Liu Zhongwen's years of experienceas an English teacher and an interpreter. He hasrecently published a paper covering the application of Virtual Policing in English ( he coined theterm VPIE and PEVE himself, which can besearched on Google or Yahoo ) on InternationalForum of Teaching and Studies in America. HisPractical English Virtual Enterprise Training Method was approved by the Education Department of Liaoning Province as one of the fivekey teaching research projects in 2007. Liu Zhongwen received his B. A. of English from Liaoning Normal University in1993 and began his teaching career in Liaoning Police Academy where he was appointed to teach the very first two undergraduate classes in 1995 and then sent toserve as the chief interpreter for 96 Dalian International Symposium on Crime Control and Public Participation. In 2005, he abtained Master of Engineering from DalianMaritime University.
PREFACE ABOUT THE AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGMENTS FOREWORD UNIT 1 POLICE ACADEMY Good to Remember Police Officer Listening (Compound Dictation) Visit of Foreign Delegation (I) Speaking Visit of Foreign Delegation (II) Translation Memorandum of Understanding Writing Curriculum Vita Reading General Introduction to Liaoning Police Academy Role-play Theory into Practice Police Recruit Form Case Study Police Academy Background Information Police Officer Discussion Review Time for Fun References UNIT 2 POLICE ADMINISTRATION UNIT 3 FOREIGN AFFAIRS ADMINISTRATION UNIT 4 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION UNIT 5 CRIMINAL TECHNOLOGY UNIT 6 SOCIAL SECURITY UNIT 7 TRAFFIC CONTROL AND SAFETY UNIT 8 SECURITY PROTECTION UNIT 9 CYBER CRIMES UNIT 10 CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 11 INTERNATIONAL LIAISON APPENDIXES SELF-STUDY KEY POSTSCRIPT BIBLIOGRAPHY