Acronyms Foreword Ⅰ Foreword Ⅱ Preface and Acknowledgements Special Acknowledgements Executive Summary Part One Review and Assessment Chapter 1 Review of Conservation and Development 1.1 History of Conservation and Development 1.2 Achievements and Experiences 1.3 Problems and Challenges Chapter 2 Assessment of Basin Development 2.1 Economic Development 2.2 Social Development 2.3 Resources Utilization 2.4 Environment Protection 2.5 Capacity of Sustainable Development Chapter 3 Evaluation of Yangtze River Health 3.1 Evaluation of Health Status 3.2 Objectives and Tasks 3.3 Evaluation of Yangtze River Health Part Two Critical Issues and Analysis Chapter 4 Water Pollution 4.1 Water Pollution Situation and Trend 4.2 Causes of Water Pollution 4.3 Recommendations Chapter 5 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation 5.1 Status and Problems of Soil Erosion 5.2 Sediment 5.3 Recommendations Chapter 6 Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation 6.1 Characteristics, Functions and Problems 6.2 Conservation of Yangtze Freshwater Dolphin 6.3 Conservation of Rare and Endemic Fishes 6.4 Conservation of Main Commercial Fishes Chapter 7 Waterway Utilization and Development 7.1 "Golden Waterway" and Its Status 7.2 Issues in "Golden waterway" Utilization 7.3 Strategy of Rational Utilization of "Golden Waterway" Chapter 8 Climate Change and Floods 8.1 Historical Climate Change and Floods 8.2 Climatic and Hydrological variation over the Past 50 Years 8.3 Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Flood Chapter 9 Hydropower Development in the Upper Yangtze 9.1 Hydropower Resources and Its Utilization 9.2 Problems with Hydropower Development 9.3 Recommendations Chapter 10 Flood Risk of Middle Yangtze and Its Control with TGP 10.1 Flood Risk of the Middle Yangtze 10.2 Changes of Water-Sediment Relationship and Their Impacts on Waterway Erosion 10.3 and Their Impacts on Flood Control and Their Impacts on Flood Cor 10.4 Recommendations Chapter 11 Ecology and Environment Problems in Three Gorges Reservoir Region 11.1 Water Pollution and Control 11.2 Biodiversity Conservation 11.3 Geo-Hazards and Control Chapter 12 Water Quality Protection in Water-taking Areas of the Middle Route Scheme of South-North Water Diversion Project 12.1 Current Status of Water Quality 12.2 Issues and Challenges 12.3 Countermeasures Chapter 13 Disconnection of River and lakes in the Middle and Iower Yangtze River 13.1 Status and Impacts of River-Lake Disconnection 13.2 Demonstration and Practice of River-Lake Reconnection 13.3 Recommendations Part Three Case Studies of the Dongting Lake Chapter 14 Evolution of the Dongting Lake and Its Impacts 14. 1 Reclamation and Sedimentation 14. 2 Changes of River System Layout and Lake Basin 14. 3 Lake Changes and Countermeasures Chapter 15 Wetlands Protection in the Dongting Lake 15.1 Wetlands Ecological Function and Service 15.2 Wetland Degradation and Cause 15.3 Progress of Wetlands Conservation and Recommendations Chapter 16 Integrated Management of the Dongting Lake 16.1 Status of Integrated Lake Management 16.2 Main Tasks of Integrated Lake Management 16.3 Recommendations Attachments References