Introduction Chapter One History and the Reconstruction of History 1.1 “History”and“thepast” 1.2 Fiction:Analternativet0 representthepast 1.3 William Styron’S narrative strategies towards the reconstructionof history Chapter Two The Confessions of Nat Turner:Reconstructing the Common History of the White and Black 2.1 Nat Turner in the traditional historical narratives 2.2 Na tTurner in The Confessions o Nat Turner. 2.3 The reconciliation between the white and the black:The voice of the 1960s Chapter Three Sophie's Choice:Reconstructing the Unspeakable History ofthe Holocaust. 3.1 Silence--Themostfitting responsetotheHolocaust? 3.2 Reconstructing Sophie’S history 3.3 Juxtaposing Auschwitzwiththequotidian 3.4 Defining the evil of the Holocaust in pursuit of redemption. Colclusion AppendixⅠ AppendixⅡ Works Cited