“上海論壇2008”共識:亞洲在轉型中增進社會福祉 Shanghai Forum Consensus2008:To Promote Asian Social Welfare through Transition 第一部分 大會發(fā)言 中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的趨勢及策略 中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展面臨轉型 Consumption Trade-off vs. Catastrophes Avoidance:Implications of Some Recent Results in Happiness Studies on the Economics of Climate Change 東亞金融合作 Advice for the Next President of the United States 能源與環(huán)境問題的全球化與來洲的選擇:轉型、增長、福祉 Achieving Sustainable Energy Balance while Driving Economic Growth “上海論壇2008”閉幕式學術總結 第二部分 論文精選 國際經(jīng)濟協(xié)調的新發(fā)展 The Value of Specialized Differences in Today's Global Economy Rise of China and India in Emerging Global Order in Asia Steps toward the Development and Integration of the Asian Bond Market Does Asian Regionalism Have Legs? China's Ongoing Urban Transformation:Managing the State-Society Relation Globalization and Indian Cities Income Inequality in Beijing and Shanghai:A Comparison Study