In 2007, the average annual precipitation in China was 610.0 mm, equivalent to 5,776.30 billion m3, or 5.1%less than normal. The annual quantity of surface water resources was 2,424.25 billion m3, 9.2% less thannormal; the annual quantity of groundwater resources was 761.72 billion m3, 5.6% less than normal; and thequantity of groundwater resources non-overlapping with surface water was 101.27 billion m3, and the totalannual quantity of water resources was 2,525.52 billion m3, 8.9% less than normal.In 2007, 15.79 billion m3 of water flowed from abroad into China; 587.35 billion m3 of water flowed out of theborders of China and 68.47 billion m3 of water flowed from China into the border rivers between China andother countries; and the total quantity of water flowing from China into the sea was 1,436.00 billion m3, or 26.04billion m3 less than that in 2006.
1 General 2 Quantity of Water Resources 3 Water Storge 4 Development and Utilization of Water Resources 5 Water Quality 6 Imporant Water Events