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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科社會科學(xué)社會學(xué)China Human Development Report 2007-2008

China Human Development Report 2007-2008

China Human Development Report 2007-2008

定 價:¥48.00

作 者: 本社 編
出版社: 中國對外翻譯出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 文化人類學(xué)

ISBN: 9787500119883 出版時間: 2008-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 192 字數(shù):  




暫缺《China Human Development Report 2007-2008》作者簡介


Chapter 1 A New Period of Human Development in China
 The Human Development Concept and Human Development Index
 China's Human Development Since the Era of Reform and Opening Up Began
 Prominent Features of China's Human Development Record
 A New Period and New Challenges for Human Development in China
 China's New Outlook on Development: The Scientfic Development Concept
 Basic Public Services and Human Development
Chapter 2 Basic Public Service Policies and Systems
 The Evolution of Guiding Policies
 Compulsory Education
 Public Health and Basic Medical Care
 Basic Social Security
 Public Employment Service
Chapter 3 Basic Public Services: Objectives and Gaps
 Equal Access to Basic Public Services
 Rural-Urban Disparities
 Regional Disparities in Basic Public Services
 Migrant Rural Workers and Inequality in Basic Public Services
 Problems Faced by the Landless and the Urban Poor
 The Gender Gap in Basic Public Services
 Underlying Causes of Gaps in Basic Public Services
Chapter 4 Policy Recommendations
 Recommendation One: Reaffrm the right of all Chinese citizens to a clearly defined set of basic public services
Recommendation Two: More clearly set out the responsibility of the Government to provide basic public services
 Recommendation Three: Implement reforms in the public finance system
 Recommendation Four: Integrate the rural and urban systems of basic public services
 Recommendation Five: Clearly delineate the mandates and authorities for basic public service provision at all levels of government
Recommendation Six: Introduce a nationally unified policy architecture for the equitable provision of basic public services to rural migrant workers
Recommendation Seven: Strengthen the incentives of government officials to effectively deliver basic public services
Recommendation Eight: Enhance the role of non-state actors in providing and monitoring basic public services
Recommendation Nine: Create a systematic, coherent, and enforceable legal and regulatory framework for basic public services
 Box 1.1 The human development index
 Box 1.2 Variants of the HDI
 Box 1.3 The advocacy and evolution of the scientific concept of developrnent
 Box 1.4 Wen Jiabao: Adhering to and energetically implementing the scientific development concept.
 Box 2.1 China's Exploration to New Approaches to Medical Insurance
 Box 2.2 New policy commitments to basic services
 Box 2.2 New policy commitments to basic services continued
 Box 2.3 A new poficy era
 Box 2.4 Reorienting health policies after 2003
 Box 2.5 Minimum Living Standard Allowance for urban residents
 Box 2.6 A comprehensive policy approach
 Box 3.1 Official Policies to Promote Equalization
 Box 3.2 Is equalization financially feasible?
 Box 4.1 Using modern technologies to strengthen government capacity for public service delivery
 Box 4.2 "Use money for doing things and upgrade the quality and efficiency of public services through market mechanism
 Box 4.3 Hainan Province started a comprehensive skills training program for its rural labor force
 Box 4.4 CSO Involvement in HIV/AIDS Care
 Box 4.S Functions of Communities in Basic Public Service
 Figure 1.1 China's HDI, 1975-2005
 Figure 1.3 China's progress in building a Xiaokang society in an all'-round way
 Figure 1.4 Average life expectancy in China, 2000-2005 (Years)
 Figure 1.5 Under-five child mortality rate, 2000-2007 (per 1,000 live births)
 Figure 1.6 Maternal mortality rates, 2000-2007 (per 100, 00 live births)
 Figure 1.7 Adult literacy rate, 1995-2005 (%)
 Figure 1.8 Average (years) education among people aged 15 and over, 1982-2005
 Figure 1.9 China's incidence of rural poverty, 1978-2007.
 Figure 1.10 People living on less than US $1 per day, 1990-2005 (%)
 Figure 1.11 Education Funding in 2002 (%)
 Figure 1.12 Share of health spending (%)
 Figure 1.13 Trends in urban and rural per capita incomes and total government spending, 1978-2005
Statistical Appendix


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