Raymond.A. Serway received his doctorate at Illinois Institute of Technology andis Professor Emeritus at James Madison University. Dr. Serway began his teachingcareer at Clarkson University, where he conducted research and taught from1967 to 1980. His second academic appointment was at James Madison Univer-sity as Professor of Physics and Head of the Physics Department from 1980 to1986. He remained at James Madison University until his retirement in 1997. Hewas the recipient of the Madison Scholar Award at James Madison University in1990, the Distinguished Teaching Award at Clarkson University in 1977, and theAlumni Achievement Award from Utica College in 1985. As Guest Scientist at theIBM Research Laboratory in Zurich, Switzerland, he worked with K. Alex Mfiller,1987 Nobel Prize recipient. Dr. Serway also held research appointments at RomeAir Development center from 1961 to 1963, at IIT Research Institute from 1963to 1967, and as a visiting scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, where he col-laborated with his mentor and friend, Sam Marshall. In addition to earlier edi-tions of this textbook, Dr. Serway is the co-author of Physics for Scientists and Engi-neers, 6th edition, Principles of Physics, 3rd edition, College Physics, 6th edition, andthe high-school textbook Physics, published by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. Inaddition, Dr. Serway has published more than 40 research papers in the field ofcondensed matter physics and has given more than 60 presentations at profes-sional meetings. Dr. Serway and his wife Elizabeth enjoy traveling, golfing, fish-ing, and spending quality time with their four children and seven grandchildren.Clement J. Moses is Emeritus Professor of Physics at Utica College. He wasborn and brought up in Utica, New York, and holds an A.B. from HamiltonCollege, an M.S. from Cornell University, and a Ph.D. from State University ofNew York at Binghamton. He has over 30 years of science writing and teachingexperience at the college level, and is a co-author of College Physics, 6th edition,with Serway and Faughn. His research w6rk, both in industrial and universitysettings, has dealt with defects in solids, solar cells, and the dynamics of atomsat surfaces. In addition to science writing, Dr. Moses enjoys reading novels,gardening, cooking, singing, and going to operas.Curt A. Moyer has been Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics andPhysical Oceanography at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington since1999. Before his appointment to UNC-Wilmington, he taught in the PhysicsDepartment at Clarkson University from 1974 to 1999. Dr. Moyer earned a B.S.from Lehigh University and a Ph.D. from the State University of New York atStony Brook. He has published more than 45 research articles in the fields ofcondensed matter physics and surface science. In addition to being an experi-enced teacher, Dr. Moyer is an advocate for the uses of computers in educa- tion and developed the Web-based QMTools software that accompanies this text. He and his wife, V. Sue, enjoy traveling and the special times they spendwith their four children and three grandchildren.
1 Relativityl 2 RelativitylI 3 The Quantum Theory of Light 4 The Particle Nature of Matter 5 Matter Waves 6 Quantum Mechanics in One Dimension 7 Tunneling Phenomena 8 Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions 9 Atomic Structure 10 Statistical Physics 11 Molecular Structure 12 The Solid State 13 Nuclear Structure 14 Nuclear Physics Applications 15 Elementary Particles 16 Cosmology (Web Only) AppendixA Best Known Values for Physical Constants AppendixB Table of Selected Atomic Masses AppendixBCNobel Prizes Answers to Odd-Numbered Problenms Index