Editors' Preface Acknowledgment Preface 1.Introduction to the Dharmadharmatdvibhahga of Maitreya 1.1 The texts: the root-text and its commentaries 1.2 The Maitreyan tradition 1.3 Historical perspective 1.4 The transformation of basis (Skt.d,(rayapariv!'tti) 1.5 The Dharmadharmatdvibhahga does not mention the three constitutive principles (Skt.trisvabhdva) 1.6 In Maitreyan Yogacara unreal pervasive conceptualization is to be eliminated, not transformed 1.7 Primordial loss of intrinsic awareness and it reinstitution 1.8 Adventitious defilement and its removal 1.9 The transformation of basis of Maitreyan Yogacfira and Tathfigatagarbha differs from that of Asafiga 1.10 Maitreyan Yogacara goes beyond Tathagatagarhha, but not in the direction of Vijfnanavada 1.11 Summary of the Dharmadharmatdvibhaviga's message of the transformation of basis (Skt.drayapariv.rtti) 1.12 The Dharmadharmatdvibha~ga belongs to the Tibetan tradition of Great Madhyamaka 1.13 The discovery of the Dharmadharmatdvibhagaand its translations into Tibetan 1.14 Extant Tibetan texts: canonical and noncanonical 1.15 Critical editions by three scholars 1.16 The commentaries of Vasubandhu, Rong ston, Mi pham, and Blo bzang rta dbyangs 1.17 The Dharmadharmatdvibhaga and the three constitutive principles (Skt.trisvabhdva) I.18 The Dharmadharmatdvibhaga avoids the problematic status of the relative-dependent constitutive principle (Skt.paratantrasvabhdva) …… 2.Maitreyan Yogacara and the criticism of it by Tsong kha pa and Bimal Krishna Matilal 3.Vasubandhu s commentary to the Dharmadharmatavibhainga 4.A Modern Commentary on the Dharmadharmatavibhanga form the Perspective of the rNying ma Tradition by Master Tam Shekwing 5.Three Critical Editions of the Dharmadharmatavibhaiga Bibliography Index Chinese abstract