Sherwood Anderson, American novelist and short-story writer. He wasborn on Sept. 13, 1876, in Camden, Ohio, the third of seven children. His father was an easygoing, improvident man whose itinerant habits resulted in spotty educations for his children. Sherwood had no formal education after the age of 14, although he did attend Wittenberg College for a short time. Anderson had a belated writing career. He served in Cuba during the Spanish-American War, then began a successful business career in advertising. Dissatisfied with his life,however, Anderson abandoned both his job and his family and went to hicago to become a writer.His first novel, Windy McPhersons Son (1916), concerning a boys life in Iowa, was followed by Marching Men (1917), a chronicle about the plight of the working man in an industrial society. In his best-known work, Winesburg,Ohio (1919), a collection of twenty-three related stories about life in a small town, he explores the loneliness and frustration of small-town lives. In his later works included Poor White?。?920), Many Marriages (1923), and Dark Laughter (1925) and the short story collections as The Triumph of the Egg (1921), Horses and Men (1923), and Death in the Woods (1933).
Sherwood Anderson(1876—— 1941) 1 F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896—— 1940) 14 Ernest Hemingway(1899—— 1961) 38 William Faulkner(1897—— 1962) 65 Katherine Anne Porter(1890—— 1980) 92 Flannery OConnor(1925—— 1964) 108 Richard Wright(1908—— 1960) 130 Ralph Ellison(1914—— 1994) 150 Saul Bellow(1915——2005) 173 Joseph Heller(1923—— 1999) 192 J. D. Salinger(1919—— ) 209 John Updike(1932——?。?23 Eugene ONei!1(1888—— 1953) 241 Arthur Miller(1915——2005) 263 Robert Frost( 1874—— 1963) 283 Toni Morrison(1931——?。?93