◎寇輩 Kou Zhun 江南舂(波渺渺) The Southland in Spring ◎范仲淹 Fan Zhongyan 漁家傲(塞下秋來風(fēng)景異) Pride of the Fisherman 蘇幕遮(碧云天) Temple Music ◎柳永Liu Yong 雨霖鈴(寒蟬凄切) BellsintheRain 望海潮(東南形勝) Watching the Sea—Tide 八聲甘州(對瀟瀟暮雨灑江天) An Eight—Beat Song of Ganzhou ◎張先 Zhang Xian 菩薩蠻(哀箏一弄《湘江曲》) Buddhist Dance ◎晏殊 Yan Shu 木蘭花(燕鴻過后鶯歸去) The Lily Magnolia 木蘭花(綠楊芳草長亭路) The Lily Magnolia 浣溪沙(一曲新詞酒一杯) Bleaching Silk in the Stream ◎歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu 蝶戀花(庭院深深深幾許) The Buueflly FluUefing~ound Re Flowers 生查子(去年元夜時(shí)) Hawthorns in the Wilderness 浪淘沙(把酒祝東風(fēng)) Waves Washing the Sand ◎司馬光 SimaGuang 阮郎歸(漁舟容易人舂山) The Return of Ruan the Native ◎王安石 Wang Anshi 桂枝香(登臨送目) Fragrant Is the Cassia Twig ◎晏幾道 Yan Jidao 玉樓春(東風(fēng)又作無情計(jì)) The Jade Tower in Spring 臨江仙(夢后樓臺高鎖) Immorals over the River ◎王觀 Wang Guan l-g子(水是眼波橫) The DivinerJT ◎魏夫人 MadamWei 菩薩蠻(溪山掩映斜陽里) Buddhi st Dancc ◎蘇軾 Su Shi 水調(diào)歌頭(明月幾時(shí)有) Prelude to Melody of Flowing Waters 念奴嬌(大江東去) Charming Is Niannu 江城子(十年生死兩茫茫) The Riverside Town 蝶戀花(花褪殘紅青杏?。?br />The Butterfly Hu~efing~ound Re Rowers 江城子(老夫聊發(fā)少年狂) The Riverside Town 望江南(春未老) Yearning for the South 臨江仙(夜飲東坡醒復(fù)醉) Immortals over the River 鷓鴣天(林?jǐn)嗌矫髦耠[墻) Partridges in the Sky 定風(fēng)波(莫聽穿林打葉聲) Taming the Waves and Winds ◎黃庭堅(jiān)Huang Tingjian 清平樂(春歸何處) Celebrating Peace and Order ◎秦觀 Qin Guan 鵲橋仙(纖云弄巧) Immortals on the Magpie Bridge 踏莎行(霧失樓臺) Walking on Grassland ◎賀鑄He Zhu 半死桐(重過閶門萬事非) The Half-dead ParasoI 行路難(縛虎手) Life Journey Is Full of Perils 浣溪沙(不信芳春厭老人) Bleaching Silk in the Stream ◎周邦彥 Zhou Bangyan 蝶戀花(月皎驚烏棲不定) TheButterflyFlu~ering aroundtheFlowers 蘇幕遮(燎沈香) Temple Music ◎葉夢得 Ye Mengde 虞美人(落花已作風(fēng)前舞) YutheBeauty ……