1 Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 The Beer-Lambert Law 1.3 Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum 1.4 Absorption Spectra of Proteins and Nucleic Acids 1.5 Absorption Spectra of Mixtures 1.6 The Photoelectric Effect 1.7 Techniques for Measuring Absorbance 1.8 Pump-Probe and Photon-Echo Experiments 1.9 Linear and Circular Dichroism 1.10 Distortions of Absorption Spectra by Light Scattering or Nonuniform Distributions of the Absorbing Molecules 1.11 Fluorescence 1.12 IR and Raman Spectroscopy 1.13 Lasers 1.14 Nomenclature 2 Basic Concepts of Quantum Mechanics 2.1 Wavefunctions, Operators, and Expectation Values 2.1.1 Wavefunctions 2.1.2 Operators and Expectation Values 2.2 The Time-Dependent and Time-Independent Schr6dinger Equations 2.2.1 Superposition States 2.3 Spatial Wavefunctions 2.3.1 A Free Particle 2.3.2 A Particle in a Box 2.3.3 The Harmonic Oscillator 2.3.4 Atomic Orbitals 2.3.5 Molecular Orbitals 2.3.6 Approximate Wavefunctions for Large Systems 2.4 Spin Wavefunctions and Singlet and Triplet States 2.5 Transitions Between States: Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory 2.6 Lifetimes of States and the Uncertainty Principle 3 Light 3.1 Electromagnetic Fields 3.1.1 Electrostatic Forces and Fields 3.1.2 Electrostatic Potentials 3.1.3 Electromagnetic Radiation 3.1.4 Energy Density and Irradiance 3.1.5 The Complex Electric Susceptibility and Refractive Index. 3.1.6 Local-Field Correction Factors 3.2 The Black-Body Radiation Law 3.3 Linear and Circular Polarization 3.4 Quantum Theory of Electromagnetic Radiation 3.5 Superposition States and Interference Effects in Quantum Optics .. 3.6 Distribution of Frequencies in Short Pulses of Light 4 Electronic Absorption 4.1 Interactions of Electrons with Oscillating Electric Fields 4.2 The Rates of Absorption and Stimulated Emission 4.3 Transition Dipoles and Dipole Strengths 4.4 Calculating Transition Dipoles for rr Molecular Orbitals 4.5 Molecular Symmetry and Forbidden and Allowed Transitions 4.6 Linear Dichroism 4.7 Configuration Interactions 4.8 Calculating Electric Transition Dipoles with the Gradient Operator 4.9 Transition Dipoles for Excitations to Singlet and Triplet States 4.10 The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation, Franck-Condon Factors,and the Shapes of Electronic Absorption Bands 4.11 Spectroscopic Hole-Burning 4.12 Effects of the Surroundings on Molecular Transition Energies 4.13 The Electronic Stark Effect 5 Fluorescence 5.1 The Einstein Coefficients 5.2 The Stokes Shift 5.3 The Mirror-Image Law 5.4 The Strickler-Berg Equation and Other Relationships Between Absorption and Fluorescence 5.5 Quantum Theory of Absorption and Emission 5.6 Fluorescence Yields and Lifetimes 5.7 Fluorescent Probes and Tags 5.8 Photobleaching 5.9 Fluorescence Anisotropy 5.10 Single-Molecule Fluorescence and High-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy 5.11 Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy 5.12 Intersystem Crossing, Phosphorescence, and Delayed Fluorescence 6 Vibrational Absorption 7 Resonance Energy Transfer 8 Exciton Interactions 9 Circular Dichroism 10 Coherence and Dephasing 11 Pump-Probe Spectroscopy,Photon Echoes,and Vibrational Wavepackets 12 Raman Scattering and Other Multiphoton Processes Appendix 1-Vectors Appendix 2-Matrices Appendix 3-Fourier Transforms Appendix 4-Fluorescence Phase Shift and Modulation Appendix 5-CGS and SI Units and Abbreviations References Subject Index