前言 Preface 無名氏Anonymous 鵲踏枝Tune:“The Magpie on a Branch” 無名氏Anonymous 攤破浣溪沙Tune:“Broken Form of Sand of Silk-washing Stream 李白Li Bai 菩薩蠻Tune:“Buddhist Dancers” 憶秦娥Tune:“Dream of a Maid of Honour” 張志和Zhang Zhihe 漁歌子Tune:“A Fisherman’s Song” 白居易Bai Juyi 長相思Tune:“Everlasting Longing” 劉禹錫Liu Yuxi 竹枝詞Tune:“Bamboo Bmnch Song” 浪淘沙Tune:“Ripples Sifting Sand” 溫庭筠Wen Tingyun 夢江南Tune:“Dreaming of the South” 河傳Tune:“From the River” 皇甫松Huangfu song 憶江南Tune:“The South Recalled” 韋莊Wei Zhuang 菩薩蠻Tune:“Buddhist Dancers” 李殉Li Xun 南鄉(xiāng)子Tune:“Song of a Southern Country” 孫光憲Sun Guangxian 酒泉子Tune:“Fountain of Wine” 馮延巳Feng Yansi 謁金門Tune:“Paying Homage at the Golden Gate” 李煜LiYu 破陣子Tune:“Dance of the Cavalry” 相見歡Tune:“Joy at Meeting” 烏夜啼Tune:“Crows Crying at Night” 浪淘沙Tune:“Ripples Sifting Sand” 虞美人Tune:“The Beautiful Lady Yu” 林逋Lin Bu 長相思Tune:“Everlasting Longing” 潘閬Pan Lang 酒泉子Tune:“Fountain of Wine” 柳永Liu Yong 晝夜樂Tune:“Joy of Day and Night” 雨霖鈴Tune:“Bells Ringing in the Rain” 望海潮Tune:“Watching the Tidal Bore” 八聲甘州Tune:“Eight Beats of a Ganzhou Song” 范仲淹Fan Zhongyan 漁家傲Tune:“Pride of Fishermen” 蘇幕遮Tune:“Screened by Southern Curtain” 張先Zhang Xian 玉樓春Tune:“Spring in Jade Pavilion” 晏殊Yan Shu 浣溪沙Tune:“Sand of Silk-washing