1.The Introduction of Quarks 1.1 The Hadron Spectrum 2.Review of Relativistic Field Theory 2.1 Spinor Quantum Electrodynamics 2.2 Scalar Quantum Electrodynamics 2.3 Fermion-Boson and Fermion-Fermion Scattering 3.Scattering Reactions and the Internal Structure of Baryons 3.1 Simple Quark MOdels Compared 3.2 The Description of Scattering Reactions 3.3 The MIT Bag Model 4.Gauge Theories and Quantum-Chromodynamics 4.1 The Standard Model:A Typical Gauge Theory 4.2 The Gauge Theory of Quark-Quark Interactions 4.3 Dimensional Regularization 4.4 The Renormalized Coupling Constant of QCD 4.5 Extended Example:Anomalies in Gauge Theories 5.Perturbative QCDI:Deep Inelastic Scattering 5.1 The Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi Equations 5.2 An Alternative Approach to the GLAP Equations 5.3 Common Parametrizations of the Distribution Functions and Anomalous Dimensions 5.4 Renormalization and the Expansion Into Local Operatos 5.5 Calculation of the Wilson Coefficients 5.6 The Spin-Dependent Structure Functions 6 Perturbative QCD II:The Drell-Yan Process and Small-x Physics 6.1 The Drell-Yan Process 6.2 Small-x Physics 7.Nonperturbative QCD 7.1 Lattice QCD Calculations 7.2 QCD Sum Rules 8.Phenomenological Models for Nonperturbative QCD Problems Appendix Subject Index