1.Propagators and Scattering Theory 1.1 Introduction 1.2 The Nonrelativistic Propagator 1.3 Green s Function and Propagator 1.4 An Integral Equation for 1.5 Application to Scattering Problems 1.6 The Unitarity of the Matrix 1.7 Symmetry Properties of the S Matrix 1.8 The Green s Function in Momentum Representation and Its Properties 1.9 Anouther Look at the Green s Function for Interacting Particles 1.10 Biographical Notes 2.The Propagators for Electrouns and Positrons 3.Quantum-Electrodynamical Processes 3.1 Coulomb Scattering of Electorns 3.2 Scattering of an Electron off a Free Proton:The Effect of Recoil 3.3 Scattering of Identical Fermions 3.4 Electron-Positron Scattering:Bhabha Scattering and Moun Pair Creation 3.5 Scattering of Polarized Dirac Particles 3.6 Bremsstrahlung 3.7 Compton Scattering -The Klein-Nishina Formual 3.8 Annihilation of Particle and Antiparticle 3.9 Biographical Notes 4.Summary:The Feynman Rules of QED 4.1 The Feynman Rules of QED in Momentum Space 4.2 The Photon Propagator in Different Gauges 4.3 Biographical Notes 5.The Scattering Matrix in Higher Orders 5.1 Electorn-Positron Scattering in Fourth Order 5.2 Vacuum Plolarization 5.3 Self-Energy of the Electron 5.4 The Vertex Correction 5.5 Biographical Notes 6.Two-Particle Systems 6.1 The Bethe-Salpeter Equation 6.2 Biographical Notes 7.Quantum Electrodynatics of Strong Fields 7.1 Strong Fielde in Atoms 7.2 Strong Fields in Heavy Inon Collisons 7.3 The Effective Lagrangian of the Electromagnetic Field 7.4 Biographical Notes 8.Quantun Electrodynamics of Spinless Bosons 8.1 The Klein-Gordon Equation 8.2 The Feynman Propagator for Scalar Particles 8.3 The Scattering of Spin-0 Bosons 8.4 The Feynman Rules of Scalar Electrodynamics Appendix Index