PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A Talisman of Power and a Badge of Freedom Humanitarianism,Patriotism,Religion A Road to Black Self-Reliance and a Means to Reconstruct the South CHAPTER 3 MAINSTREAM AMERICAN AND AFRICAN AMERICAN THEORIES OF EDUCATIoN IN THE ANTEBELLUM YEARS Education and Republican Citizenry Education and National Identity Anti-Literacy Laws and American Slavery Control and Counter-Control,Oppression and Resistance Education and Freedom CHAPTER 4 AFRICAN AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES IN THE PRE-CIVIL WAR YEARS Black Education before the Enactment of the Anti-Literacy Laws Black Education after the Enactment of the Anti.Literacy Laws CHAPTER 5 AFIUCAN AMERICAN INITIATIVE IN BLACK EDUCATION DURING THE CIVIL WAR The“Contrabands”at Fortress Monroe and Vicinity The“Freedmen”at Port Royal and Its Surrounding Area “Freedmen’s”Education in Other Places Occupied by the Union Army CHAPTER 6 CoNCLUSION BlBLIOGRAPHY