1 Anomalous Phenomena at Propagation of Sound Waves Near the Sea Bottom 2 A Study on the Absorbing Performance of Underwater Anechoic Coating with Cavity 3 A High Resolution Beamforming Method Based on Wigner-Ville Distribution 4 The Analysis on Dynamical Characteristics of the Underwater Reverberation 5 Comparison of Magnitude Detection Methods of Echo Time Delay in Swath Bathymeter System 6 A Bottom Detecting Method Using Multi-subarrays in Multi-beam Bathymetric System 7 Pressure Difference Vector Hydrophone-Based Underwater Target Passive Direction Algorithm and Its Application 8 Design of Underwater Voice Communications System 9 N-unit Piezoelectric Accelerometer for Acoustic Measurement 10 Variable Bit Rate Speech Coding Research Based on Multi-Band Excitation 11 A Simple and Powerful DSP Developing System 12 Acoustic Scattering From Double Infinite Concentric Cylindrical Shells in Water 13 The Application of DDS in a Versatile Data Acquisition Card 14 Design and Development of a Multi-channel SONAR Signal Simulator 15 On Behaviour of Scalar and Vector Power Characteristics of a Point Source Acoustical Field for Various Models of Shallow Sea 16 The Realization of Bispectrum in SHARC 17 Drag Reduction Experiment by Microbubbles Generated with Chemical Agent on a Bottom Ship Model 18 A Study on Electrostatic Actuating Vibration Table for Capacitance Acceleration Sensor 19 Extracting the Arrival Time of a Bombing Source 20 Extracting the Multipath Structure from the Experimental Data 21 Asian Seas International Acoustics Experiment 22 An Experimental Study on the Acoustic Scattering by Rough Surfaces 23 Model/Data Comparisons for Reverberation Vertical Coherence in Shallow Water 24 Analysis of the Section Radiating Out of Phase of Class IV Flextensional Transducer …… ACKNOWLEDGEMENT