Chapter 1. Periodic Structures 1.1 Translational symmetry 1.2 Periodic functions 1.3 Properties of the reciprocal lattice 1.4 Bloch's theorem 1.5 Reduction to a Brillouin zone 1.6 Boundary conditions: counting states Chapter 2. Lattice Waves 2.1 Lattice dynamics 2.2 Properties of lattice waves 2.3 Lattice sums 2.4 Lattice Speeific heat 2.5 Lattice spectrum 2.6 Diffraction by an ideal crystal 2.7 Diffraction by crystal with lattice vibrations 2.8 Phonons 2.9 The Debye-Waller factor 2.10 Anharmonicity and thermal expansion 2.11 Phonon-phonon interaction 2.12 Vibrations of imperfect lattices Chapter 3. Electron States 3.1 Free electrons 3.2 Diffraction of valence electrons 3.3 The nearly-free-electron model 3.4 The tight-binding method 3.5 Cellular methods 3.6 Orthogonalized plane waves 3.7 Augmented plane waves 3.8 The Green function method 3.9 Model pseudo-potentials 3.10 Resonance bands 3.11 Crystal symmetry and spin-orbit interaction Chapter 4. Static Properties of Solids 4.1 Types of solid: band picture 4.2 Types of solid: bond picture 4.3 Cohesion 4.4 Rigid band model and density of states 4.5 Fermi statistics of electrons 4.6 Statistics of carriers in a semicon(luctor 4.7 Electronic specific heat Chapter 5. Electron-Electron Interaction 5.1 Perturbation formulation 5.2 Static screening 5.3 Screened impurities and neutral pseudo-atoms 5.4 The singularity in the screening: Kohn effect 5.5 The Friedel sum rule 5.6 Dielectric constant of a semiconductor - 5.7 Plasma oscillations 5.8 Quasi-particles and cohesive energy 5.9 The Mort transition Chapter 6. Dynamics of Electrons 6.1 General principles 6.2 Wannier fimctions 6.3 Equations of motion in the Wannier representation …… Chapter 7. Transport Properties Chapter 8. Optical Properties Chapter 9. The Fermi Surface Chapter 10. Magnetism Chapter 11. Superconductivity Bibliography Index