1.Droplets:Capillarity and Wetting By F.Brochard—Wyart(With 35 figures) 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 The Players and the Rules of the Game 1.2.1 Surface and Interfacial Tension 1.2.2 The Triple Line and Contact Angles 1.2.3 Curved Interfaces:Laplace’S Formula 1.2.4 Capillary Length K-1:the Role of Gravity 1.2.5 The Spreading Parameter S 1.2.6 Controlling Wettability 1.2.7 The Dynamics of Wetting 1.2.8 High—Speed Wetting:The Role of Inertia 1.3 Capillary Rise and Meniscus 1.3.1 Capillary Rise:Jurin’S Law 1.3.2 Meniscus 1.4 The Shape of Droplets 1.4.1 Solid Substrates 1.4.2 Liquid Substrates 1.5 Wetting of Fibres 1.6 Droplet Spreading Dynamics 1.7 Forced Wetting 1.7.1 Experiment(Designed by D.Qu6r6) 1.7.2 The Minimum Speed for Film Deposition 1.7.3 Film Thickness on a Fibre(or in a Capillary Tube) 1.8 Dewetting 1.8.1 Thick Film Dewetting 1.8.2 Microscopic Film Dewetting 1.9 Further Perspectives 1.9.1 Contact Line Instabilities 1.9.2 The Marangoni Effect 1.9.3 Spreading on Nanoscopic Scales Appendix Bibliography 2. Fractals By M. Daoud and H. Van Damme (With 20 figures) 2.1 Disorder and Scale Invariance 2.2 Self-Similarity and Self-Affinity 2.3 Measure, Heterogeneity and Multifractality 2.4 Random Walks, Polymer Chains and Membranes 2.5 Percolation, Gelation and the Metal-Insulator Transition 2.6 Diffusion-Limited Aggregation and Growth 2.7 Diffusion, Vibrations and Chemical Reactions 2.8 By Way of Conclusion 3. Small Volumes and Large Surfaces:The World of Colloids By J. C. Daniel and R. Audebert (With 21 figures) 3.1 The Colloidal State: In Search of a Definition 3.2 Colloids in Everyday Life 3.3 The Colloidal System: A Delicate Balance of Opposing Forces 3.3.1 Thermal Agitation and the Force of Gravity 3.3.2 Van der Waals Forces 3.3.3 Forces of Electrostatic Origin 3.4 The DLVO Theory 3.5 How do Colloidal Aggregates Build up? 3.5.1 The Kinetics of Aggregation 3.5.2 The Morphology of Colloidal Aggregates 3.6 The Thermodynamics of Colloidal Systems 3.7 Modifying the Interface 3.7.1 Chemical Modification 3.7.2 Surfactants and Interfaces 3.7.3 Polymers and Interfaces 3.8 Methods for Preparing Colloidal Dispersions 3.8.1 Fragmentation Methods 3.8.2 Condensation Methods …… 4 The Physicochemistry of Surfactants 5 From Giant Micelles to Fluid Membranes:Polymorphism in Dilute Solutions of Surfactant Molecules 6 Polymers Formed from Self-Assembled Structures 7 Polymer Materials 8 Polymer Solutions:A Geometric Introduction 9 Liquid Crystals:Between Order and Disorder Index