Contributing Authors Preface EARLY BIOMEMS MULTI-SENSOR NEUROPROBES 1.INIRODUCTION 2.EVOLUTION OF MICRO-SENSOR ARRAY DESIGNS 2.1 Electrical signal monitoring 2.2 Sensor Design monitoring 2.3 Chamber Type of Electrochemical 2D to 3D 3.OTHER APPLICATIONS-THE FIRST MICRO-FLUIDIC DEVICE 4.CONCLUSION 5.REFERENCES MULTI-PARAMETER BIOMEMS FOR CLINICAL MONITORING 1.INTRODUCTION 2.BIOSENSORS 2.1 Prinsiple of Biosensors 2.2 Amperometric Biosensors 3.CLINICAL MONITORING 3.1 Multi-analyte measurement 3.2 Micro-dialysis 3.3 BioMEMS for clinical monotoring 3.4 Multi-parameter monitoring 3.5 Application 3.5.1 Monitoring of glucose and lactate with a micro-dialysis probe 3.5.2 Ammonia monitoring 4.CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLOOK 5.REFERENCES NEURAL IMPLANTS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE Interfacing neurons for neuro-modulation, limb control, and to restore vision-Part I 1.INTRODUCTION TO NEURAL IMPLANTS 2.ANATOMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL FUNDAMENTALS 2.1 Preipheral Nerve Anatomy 2.2 Mechanisms of peripheral Nerve Damage 2.3 Extra-celluar Stimulation of Nerve Fibres 2.4 Electrical Modelling of the Nerve Membrane 2.5 Propagation of Action potentials 2.6 Extra-cellular Stimulation of Nerve Fibress 2.7 Selective Activation of Neve Fibress …… BIOMEDICAL MICRODEVICES FOR NEURAL IMPLANTS Interfacing neurons for neuromodulation, limb control, and to restore vision-Part II MICRO-FLUIDIC PLATFORMS DNA BASED BIO-MICRO-ELECTRONIC MECHANICAL SYSTEMS SEPARATION AND DETECTION ON A CHIP PROTEIN MICROARRAYS: TECHNOLOGIES AND APPLICATIONS LAB-ON-A-CHIP SYSTEMS FOR CELLULAR ASSAYS NETWORK ON CHIPS Spatial and temporal activity dynamics of functional networks in brain slices and cardiac tissue BIO-NANO-SYSTEMS Overview and Outlook