Marie Curie (1867- 1934) was one of the most important women scientists in history, and she was one of the most influential scientists:man or woman:of the 20th century. Curie postulated that radiation wasan atomic property, a discovery that has led to significant scientific developments since. She was also the first person to use the term“radioactivity.” Her perseverance led to the discovery of two newelements, polonium and radium. This combination of creativity andperseverance netted her two Nobel Prizes. one in physics and the secondin chemistry. This book. however, looks at more than her scientificachievements. While Curie is often portrayed as a stern, one-dimensionalwoman so totally committed to her science that she was incapable ofcomplex emotions, the truth is that the opposite is the case.Marie Curie:A Biography covers her entire lifetime, beginning with herearly life and education in a Poland under the oppressive rule of the czarof Russia. The bookdiscusses all aspects:both personal and scientific:of her fascinating life.
Series Foreword Introduction Timeline Chapter 1 Early Life and Education Chapter 2 Preparing for the Future Chapter 3 Paris and the Sorbonne Chapter 4 Pierre and Marie Chapter 5 The Discovery of Radium: A Scientific Breakthrough Chapter 6 A Year of Contrasts: Good News, Bad News Chapter 7 "Pierre is Dead? Dead? Absolutely Dead?" Chapter 8 Scandal! Chapter 9 The Second Nobel Prize, Its Aftermath, and War Chapter 10 Marie and the United States of America Chapter 11 Last Years Conclusion Bibliography Index Vocabulary Photo essay follows page83