Foreword Preface 1.Getting Started 1.1 Joining the Rails Community 1.2 Finding Documentation 1.3 Installing MySQL 1.4 Installing PostgreSQL 1.5 Installing Rails 1.6 Fixing Ruby and Installing Rails on OS X 10.4 Tiger 1.7 Running Rails in OS X with Locomotive 1.8 Running Rails in Windows with Instant Rails 1.9 Updating Rails with RubyGems 1.10 Getting Your Rails Project into Subversion 2.Rails Development 2.1 Creating a Rails Project 2.2 Jump-Starting Development with Scaffolding 2.3 Speeding Up Rails Development with Mongrel 2.4 Enhancing Windows Development with Cygwin 2.5 Understanding Pluralization Patterns in Rails 2.6 Developing Rails in OS X with TextMate 2.7 Cross-Platform Developing eith RadRails 2.8 Installing and Running Edge Rails 2.9 Setting Up Passwordless Authentication with SSH 2.10 Generating RDoc for Your Rails Application 2.11 Greating Full-Featured CRUD Applications with Streamlined 3.Active Record 3.1 Setting Up a Relational Database to Use with Rals 3.2 Peogrammatically Defining Database Schema 3.3 Developing Your Database with Migrations 3.4 Modeling a Database with Active Record 3.5 Inspecting ModelRelationships from the Rails Console 3.6 Accessing Your Data via Active Record 3.7 Retrieving Records with find 3.8 Iterating Over an Active Record Result Set 3.9 Retrieving Data Efficiently with Eager Loading 3.10 Updating an Active Record Object 3.11 Enforcing Data Integrity with Active Record Validations 3.12 Executing Custom Queries with find_by_sql 3.13 Protecting Against Race Conditions with Transactions 3.14 Adding Sort Capabilities to a Model with acts_as_list 3.15 Performing a Task Whenever a Model Object Is Created 3.16 Modeling a Threaded Forum with acts_as_nested_set 3.17 Creating a Directory of Nested Topics with acts_as_tree 3.18 Avoiding Race Conditions with Optimistic Locking 3.19 Handling Tables with Legacy Naming Conventions 3.20 Automating Record Timestamping 3.21 Factoring Out Common Relationships with Polymorphic Associations 3.22 Mixing Join Models and Polymorphism for Flexible Data Modeling 4.Action Controller 4.1 Accessing Form Data from a Controller 4.2 Changing an Application's Default Page 4.3 Clarifying Your Code with Named Routes 4.4 Configuring Customized Routing Behavior 4.5 Displaying Alert Messages with Flash 4.6 Extending the Life of a Flash Message 4.7 Following Actions with Redirects 4.8 Generating URLs Dynamically 4.9 Inspecting Requests with Filters 4.10 Logging with Filters 4.11 Rendering Actions 4.12 Restricting Access to Controller Methods 4.13 Sending Files or Data Streams to the Browser 4.14 Storing Session Information in a Database 4.15 Tracking Information with Sessions 4.16 Using Filters for Authentication 5.Action View 5.1 Simplifying Templates with View Helpers …… 6.RESTful Development 7.Rails Application Testing 8.Java Script and Ajax 9.Action Mailer 10.Debugging Rails Applications 11.Security 12.Performance 13.Hosting and Deployment 14.Extending Rails with Plug-ins 15.Graphics Appendix:Migrating to Rails 1.2 Index