1.Symmetry 1.1 Model Surfaces 1.1.1 Surface Versus Bulk 1.1.2 The Surface as a Physical Object 1.2 Two-Dimensional Crystals 1.2.1 Lattice Planes of Bulk Crystals 1.2.2 Oriented Slabs 1.2.3 Ideal Surfaces.Planar Point Groups 1.2.4 Real Surfaces:Reconstruction and Relaxation 1.2.5 Superlattices at Surfaces 1.2.6 Wbod Notation 1.2.7 Symmetry Classification 1.3 Reciprocal Space 1.3.1 Direct and Reciprocal Lattices 1.3.2 Brillouin Zones 1.3.3 Projection of 3D Onto 2D Brillouin Zones 1.3.4 Symmetry of Points and Lines in Reciprocal Space 2.Thermodynamics 2.1 Kinetic Processes and Surfaces in Equilibrium 2.2 Thermodynamic Relations for Surfaces 2.2.1 Thermodynamic Potentials 2.2.2 Surface Modification of Thermodynamic Potentials 2.2.3 Surface Tension and Surface Stress 2.3 Equilibrium Shape of Small Crystals 2.3.1 Anisotropy of Surface Energy 2.3.2 Absolute Values for Surfaee Energies 2.3.3 Wulff Construction 2.4 Surface Energy and Morphology 2.4.1 Facetting and Roughening 2.4.2 3D Vcrsus 2D Growth 2.4.3 Formation of Quantum Dots 2.5 Stoichiometry Dependence 2.5.1 Thermodynamic Approach …… 3.Bonding and Energetics 4.Reconstruction Elements 5.Elementary Excitations Ⅰ:Single Electronic Quasiparticles 6.Elementary Excitations Ⅱ:Pair and Collective Excitations 7.Defects References Index