Animats in danger 瀕危動物 What is a gorilla? 什么是大猩猩? What do mountain gorillas loak like? 山地大猩猩長什么樣? Where do mountain gorillas live? 山地大猩猩生活在哪里? What do mountain gorillas eat? 山地大猩猩吃什么? Mountain gorilla babies 山地大猩猩的寶寶 Looking after the baby 照看猩猩寶寶 Unusual mountain gorilla facts 山地大猩猩異事 How mang gorillas are there? 世界上有多少只大猩猩? Why is the gorilla in danger? 為什么大猩猩瀕臨滅絕? How is the gorilla being helped? 人們怎樣救助大猩猩? Mountain gorilla factfile 山地大猩猩的資料 World danger table 世界瀕危動物表 Further reading,addresses and websites 補充讀物、地址及網(wǎng)址 Glossary 詞匯表 Index 索引