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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)自然科學(xué)物理學(xué)固態(tài)物理學(xué)



定 價:¥139.00

作 者: 格羅索
出版社: 世界圖書出版公司
叢編項: 物理學(xué)經(jīng)典英文教材系列
標(biāo) 簽: 物理實驗

ISBN: 9787506273053 出版時間: 2006-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 727 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Chapter Ⅰ Electrons in one-dimensional periodic potentials
1 The Bloch theorem for one-dimensional periodicity
2 Energy levcls in a periodic array of quantunl wells
3 Electron tunneling and energy bands
3.1 Transmission and resection of electrons through an arbitrary potential.
3.2 Electron tunneling through a periodic potential
4 The tight-binding appro~imation
4.1 Expansion in localized orbitals
4.2 Tridiagonal matrices and continued fractions
5 Plane waves and nearly free-electron approximation
5.1 Expansion in plane waves
5.2 The Mathieu potential and the continued fraction solution
6 Some dynamical aspects of electrons in band theory
Further reading
Chapter Ⅱ Geometrical description of crystals: direct and reciprocal lattices
1 Simple lattices and composite lattices
1.1 Periodicity and Bravais lattices
1.2 Simple and composite crystal structures
2 Geometrical description of some crystal structures
3 Wigner-Seitz primitive cells
4 Reciprocal lattices
4.1 Definitions and basic properties
4.2 Planes and directions in Bravais lattices
6 Translateonal symmetry and quantum mechanical aspects
6.1 Translational symmetry and Bloch wavefunctions
6.2 The parametric k. p Hamiltonian
6.3 Cyclic boundary conditions
6.4 Special k points for averaging over the Brillouin zone
7 Denity-of-states and critical points
Further reading
Chapter Ⅲ The Sommerfeld free-electron theory of metals
1 Quantum theory of the free-alectron gas
2 Fermi-Dirac distribution function and chemical potential
3 Electronic specific heat in metals and thermodynamic functin~
4 Thermionic emission from metals
Appendix A. Outline of statistical physics and thermodynamic relations
A1. Microcanonical ensemble and thermodynamic quantities
A2. Canonical ensemble and thermodynamic quantities
A3. Grand canonical ensemble and thermodynamic quantities
Appendix B. Fermi Dirac and Boee~Einstein statistics for independent particles
Appendix C. Modified Fermi-Dira~ statistics in a model of correlation effects
Further reading
Chapter Ⅳ The one-electron approximation and beyond
1 Introductory rem~ks on the many-electron problem
2 The Hartree equations
3 Identical particles and determinantal wavefunctions
4 Matrix elements between determinantal states
5 The Hartree-Fuck equations
5.1 Variational approach and Haxtree-Fock equations
5.2 Ground-state energy, ionization energies and transition energies
5.3 Haxtree-Fock equations and transition energies in closed-shell systems
5.4 Hartree~Fock-Slater and Hartree-Fock Roothaan approximations
6 Overview of approaches beyond the on.electron approximation
7 Electronic properties and phase diagram of the homogeneous electron gas
8 The density functional theory and the Kohn-Sham equations
Appendix A. Bielectronic integrals anlong spin-orhitals
Appendix B. Outline of second quantizatinn formalism for identical fermions
Appendix C. An integral on the Fermi sphere
Further reading
Chapter Ⅴ Band theory of crystals
1 Basic assumptions of the hand theory.
2 The tight-binding method (LCAO method)
2.1 Description of the method for simple lattices
2.2 Description of the tight-binding method for composite lattices
2.3 Illustrative applications of the tight-binding scheme
3 The orthogonalized plane wave (OPW) method
4 The pseudopotential method
5 The cellular method
6 The augmented plane wave (APW) method
Chapter Ⅵ Electronic Properties of selected crystals
Chapter Ⅶ Excitons, plasmons and dielectric screening in crystals
Chapter Ⅷ Interacting electronic-nuclear systems and the adiabatic principle
Chapter Ⅸ Lattice dynamics of crystals
Chapter Ⅹ Scattering of particles by crystals
Chapter Ⅺ Optical and transport properties in metals
Chapter Ⅻ Optical properties of semiconductors and insulators
Chapter ⅫⅠ Transport in intrinsic and homogeneously doped semiconductors
Chapter ⅩⅣ Transport in inhomogeneous semiconductors
Chapter ⅩⅥ Magnetic properties of loclized systems and Kondo impurities
Chapter ⅩⅦ Magnetic ordering in crystals
Chapter ⅩⅧ Superconductivity
Subject inder


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