1. The Emergence of Quantum Physics 1-1 Blackbody Radiation 1-2 The Photoelectric Effect 1-3 The Compton Effect 1-4 Wave Properties of Matter and Electron Diffraction 1-5 The Bohr Atom The Rutherford Planetary Model The Bohr Postulates The Correspondence Principle Problems SUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE: 1-A Einstein's Approach to Planck's Law 1-B Estimate of Lifetime of a Rutherford Atom 2. Wave Particle Duality, Probability, and the Schrodinger Equation 2-1 Radiation as Particles, Electrons as Waves 2-2 Plane Waves and Wavepackets *How Wave Packets Move 2-3 The Probability Interpretation of the Wave Function 2-4 The Schrodinger Equation 2-5 The Heisenberg Uncertainty Relations Diffraction of a Photon Beam Inability to Localize Bohr Orbits Interim Summary 2-6 More on the Probability Interpretation The Importance of Phases The Probability Current 2-7 Expectation Values and the Momentum in Wave Mechanics The Momentum in Wave Mechanics Wave Function in Momentum Space Problems SUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE: 2-A The Fourier Integral and Delta Functions 2-B A Brief Tutorial on Probability 3. Eigenvalues, Eigenfunctions, and the Expansion Postulate 3-1 The Time-Independent Schrodinger Equation 3-2 Eigenvalue Equations 3-3 The Eigenvalue Problem for a Particle in a Box 3-4 The Expansion Postulate and Its Physical Interpretation The Interpretation of the Expansion Coefficients 3-5 Momentum Eigenfunctions and the Free Particle Normalization of the Free Particle Wave Function Degeneracy 3-6 Parity Problems 4. One-Dimensional Potentials 4-1 The Potential Step 4-2 The Potential Well 4-3 The Potential Barrier 4-4 An Example of Tunneling 4-5 Bound States in a Potential Well 4-6 Deltas Function Potentials 4-7 The Harmonic Oscillator Problems SUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE: 4-A The Wentzel.Kramers-Brillouin-Jeffreys Approximation 4-B Tunneling in Nuclear Physics 4-C Periodic Potentials The Kronig-Penney Model 5. The General Structure of Wave Mechanics 5-1 Eigenfnnctions and Eigenvalues The Hamiltonian Operator 5-2 Other Observables The Interpretation of the Expansion Coefficients 5-3 Vector Spaces and Operators 5-4 Degenemcy and Simultaneous Observables 5-5 Time Dependence and the Classical Limit Problems SUPPLEMENT ON THE WEB SITE: 5.A Uncertainty Relations 6. Operator Methods in Quantum Mechanics 6-1 Rephrasing Wave Mechanics--An Abstract View of Quantum Mechanics Projection Operators 6-2 The Energy Spectrum of the Harmonic Oscillatur 6-3 From Operators Back to the Schrtdinger Equation 6-4 The Time Dependence of Operators Problems 7. Angular Momentum 7-1 The Angular Momentum Commutation Relations 7-2 Raising and Lowering Operators for Angular Momentum 7-3 Representation of │l,m> States in Spherical Coordinates 7-4 Comments on the Expansion Theorem Problems SUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE: 7-A Rotational lnvariance Invariance Under Rotations About the z-Axis 7-B Angular Momentum in Spherical Coordinates 8. The Schrodinger Equation in Three Dimensions and the Hydrogen Atom 8-1 The Central Potential 8-2 The Hydrogen Atom 8-3 The Energy Spectrum The Degeneracy of the Spectrum 8-4 The Free Particle 8-5 Particle in an Infinite Spherical Well Problems SUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE: 8-A A Useful Theorem 8-B The Square Well, Continuum Solutions The Plane Wave Spherical Harmonics 9. Matrix Representation of Operators 9-1 Matrices in Quantum Mechanics 9-2 Matrix Representations of Angular Momentum Operators 9-3 General Relations in Matrix Mechanics Problems 10. Spin 10-1 Eigenstates of Spin 1/2 10-2 The Intrinsic Magnetic Moment of Spin 1/2 Particles 10-3 Paramagnetic Resonance 10-4 Addition of Two Spins 10-5 The Addition of Spin 1/2 and Orbital Angular Momentum General Rules for Addition of Angular Momenta Problems SUPPLEMENTS ON THE WEB SITE: 10-A The Addition of Spin l/2 and Orbital Angular Momentum (Details) General Rules for Addition of Angular Momenta, and Implications for Identical Particles 10-B The Levi-Civita Symbol and Maxwell's Equations 11. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory 12. The Real Hydrogen Atom 13. Many Particle Systems 14. About Atoms and Molecules 15. Time-Dependent PerturbationTheory 16. The Interaction of Charged Particles with the Electromagnetie Field 17. Radiative Decays 18. Selected Topics on Radiation 20. Entanglement and Its Implications Physical Constants References Index