Kerson Huang(黃克遜),作者系美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)榮譽退休教授。美籍華裔科學家。1928年出生于中國南寧市,先后于1950年和1953年獲得麻省理工學院物理學學士和物理學博士學位,之后在普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)作短暫博士后研究,1957年回到麻省理工學院從事熱力學和統(tǒng)計力學的教學和研究工作。他的Statistical Mechanics(Wiley,New York)多次重版,對大學物理教學產(chǎn)生過廣泛影響。此外還有Introduction to Statistical Physics(Taylor & Francis,London)等著作出版。
Contents Foreword Introduction 1. Entropy 1.1 Statistical Ensembles 1.2 Microcanonical Ensemble and Entropy 1.3 Thermodynamics 1.4 Principle of Maximum Entropy 1.5 Example: Defects in Solid 2. Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution 2.1 Classical Gas of Atoms 2.2 The Most Probable Distribution 2.3 The Distribution Function 2.4 Thermodynamic Properties 3. Free Energy 3.1 Canonical Ensemble 3.2 Energy Fluctuations 3.3 The Free Energy 3.4 Maxwell's Relations 3.5 Example: Unwinding of DNA 4. Chemical Potential 4.1 Changing the Particle Number 4.2 Grand Canonical Ensemble 4.3 Thermodynamics 4.4 Critical Fluctuations 4.5 Example: Ideal Gas 5. Phase Transitions 5.1 First-Order Phase Transitions 5.2 Second-Order Phase Transitions 5.3 Van der Waals Equation of State 5.4 Maxwell Construction 6. Kinetics of Phase Transitions 6.1 Nucleation and Spinodal Decomposition 6.2 The Freezing of Water 7. The Order Parameter 7 1 Ginsburg-Landau Theory 7.2 Second-Order Phase Transition 7.3 First-Order Phase Transition 7.4 Cahn-Hilliard Equation 8. Correlation Function 8.1 Correlation Length 8.2 Large-Distance Correlations 8.3 Universality Classes 8.4 Compactness Index 8.5 Scaling Properties 9. Stochastic Processes 9.1 Brownian Motion 9.2 Random Walk 9.3 Diffusion 9.4 Central Limit Theorem 9.5 Diffusion Equation 10. Langevin Equation 10.1 The Equation 10.2 Solution 10.3 Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem 10.4 Power Spectrum and Correlation 10.5 Causality 10.6 Energy Balance 11. The Life Process 11.1 Life 11.2 Cell Structure 11.3 Molecular Interactions 11.4 Primary Protein Structure 11.5 Secondary Protein Structure 11.6 Tertiary Protein Structure 11.7 Denatured State of Protein 12. Self-Assembly 12.1 Hydrophobic Effect 12.2 Micelles and Bilayers 12.3 Cell Membrane 12.4 Kinetics of Self-Assembly 12.5 Kinetic Arrest 13. Kinetics of Protein Folding 13.1 The Statistical View 13.2 Denatured State 13.3 Molten Globule 13.4 Folding Funnel 13.5 Convergent Evolution 14. Power Laws in Protein Folding 14.1 The Universal Range 14.2 Collapse and Annealing 14.3 Self-Avoiding Walk (SAW) 15. Self-Avoiding Walk and Turbulence 15.1 Kolmogorov's Law 15.2 Vortex Model 15.3 Quantum Turbulence 15.4 Convergent Evolution in Turbulence 16. Convergent Evolution in Protein Folding 16.1 Mechanism of Convergent Evolution 16.2 Energy Cascade in Turbulence 16.3 Energy Cascade in the Polymer Chain 16.4 Energy Cascade in the Molten Globule 16.5 Secondary and Tertiary Structures A. Model of Energy Cascade in a Protein Molecule A.1 Brownian Motion of a Forced Harmonic Oscillator A.2 Coupled Oscillators A.2.1 Equations of Motion A.2.2 Energy Balance A.2.3 Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem A.2.4 Perturbation Theory A.2.5 Weak-Damping Approximation A.3 Model of Protein Dynamics A.4 Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem A.5 The Cascade Time A.6 Numerical Example Index