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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術自然科學數學離散幾何中的研究問題(影印版)



定 價:¥82.00

作 者: (美)布拉斯(Brass,P.) 等著
出版社: 科學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787030182920 出版時間: 2007-01-01 包裝: 膠版紙
開本: 頁數: 字數:  


  離散幾何有著150余年的豐富歷史,提出了甚至高中生都能理解的諸多公開問題。某些問題異常困難,并和數學其他領域的一些深層問題密切相關。然而,許多問題,甚至某些年代久遠的問題,都可能被聰明的大學本科生或者高中生運用精妙構思和數學奧林匹克競賽中的某些技巧所解決?!峨x散幾何中的研究問題》是由Leo Moser牽頭,花費25年著成,書中包括500余個頗具吸引力的公開問題,理解其中許多問題并不需要太多的準備知識。書中的各章很大程度上內容自含,概述了離散幾何,介紹了各個問題的歷史細節(jié)及重要的相關結果。本書可作為參考書,供致力數學研究,熱愛美妙數學問題并不遺余力地試圖加以解決的那些專業(yè)數學家和研究生查閱。本書的顯著特色包括:500多個公開問題,其中某些問題的歷史久遠,而某些問題為新近提出且從未出版;每章分為內容自含的各個部分,各部分均附有詳實的參考文獻;為尋找論文課題的研究生提供眾多研究問題;包含離散幾何的一個全面綜述,突出介紹離散幾何研究的前沿問題和發(fā)展前景;150多幅圖表;Paul Erdos生前為本書早期版本所寫的序言。




0.Definitions and Notations
1.Density Problems for Packings and Goverings
1.1 Basic Questions and Defintions
1.2 The Least Econmical Convex Sets for Packing
1.3 The Least Economical Convex Sets for Covering
1.4 How Economical Are the Lattice Arrangemets?
1.5 Packing with Semidisks,and the Role of Symmetry
1.6 Packing Equal Dircles into Squares,Circles,Spheres
1.7 Packing Equal Circles of Squares in a Strip
1.8 The Densest Packing of Spheres
1.9 The Densest Packings of Specific Convex Bodies
1.10 Linking Packing and Covering Denstities
1.11 Sausage Problems and Catastrophes
2.Structural Packing and Covering Problems
2.1 Decomposition of Multiple Packings and Coverings
2.2 Solid and Saturated Packings and Reduced Coverings
2.3 Stable Packins and Coverings
2.4 Kissing and Neighborly Convex Bodies
2.5 Thin Packings with Many Neighbors
2.6 Permeability and Blocking Light Rays
3.Packing and Covering with Homothetic Copies
3.1 Potato Bay Problems
3.2 Covering a Convex Body with Its Homothetic Copies
3.3 Levi-Hadwiger Covering Problem and Illumination
3.4 Covering a Ball by Slabs
3.5 Point Trapping and Impassable Lattice Arrangements
4.Tilling Problems
5.Distance Problem
6.Problems on Repeated Subconfigurations
7.Incidence and Arrangement Problems
8.Problems on Points in Genral Positon
9.Graph Drawings and Geometric Graphs
10.Lattice Point Problems
11.Geometric Inequalities


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