Having been living in Shanghai for more than 12 years, I am amazed at the ever-changing phenomenon in the city and often get indulged in ponderation upon her history。The longer I live in Shanghai and the more i learn about her,the more fascinated I become。Notwithstanding the fact that Shanhai as a city is only a little more than 100 years old,it is the epitome of the contemporary Chinese history。It was from Shanghai that modern western civlization rushed into China,it was in Shanghai that the earliest Chinese national industry emerged and the earliest modern commercial bank was established。The founding of the Chinese Communist Party is the most influential that the Party expanded to the whole counrty and founded the People’s Republic of China in 1949。Being the driving power for the Chinese and globai economies,today Shanghai has grown into an energetic world famous metropolis。
Dr.Poujian Chen,started photography in his spare time since 1980s wiht his footprints left on many famous mountains,lakes,prairies,deserts,and Gobies.The magnificent natural landscapes,gorgeous social phenomenon,sa well as immensely varided national features inspired him to explore into the world civilization by means of artistic expressions from multiangles and aspects.Dr.Poujian Chen is the Chairman & C.E.O.of Tianan lnsurance Company Limited of China.He is also Executive Director of Chinese Insurance Association and Chinese Insurance lnstiture,Visiting professor of Boston University,Ph.D.Tutor of Tongji Universitym,as well as Guest Professor in Xi'an Jiaotong University and Zhongnan University of Economice & Law.
ChapterⅠ By the Ocean and for the Ocean ChapterⅡ Roads,with Memory of Shanghai ChapterⅢ Western Houses and Chinese Life ChapterⅣ When the West Came to the East ChapterⅤ When the East Goes to the West